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This is a request by emmyje1

This is a request by emmyje1

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So essentially what you requested would kind of be like a part two to this one and I hadn't planned on writing a part two but I guess I'll write it

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So essentially what you requested would kind of be like a part two to this one and I hadn't planned on writing a part two but I guess I'll write it.

Ok for the sake of the story let's just say that when Percy met Rachel in BOTL she told him that she was lesbian and had no interest in him and the kiss in TLO didn't happen

Joan was adamant on having Annabeth. He was currently stalking her boyfriend, although he would prefer to use the term 'making sure he isn't doing anything he isn't supposed to' to see if he could catch him doing something like cheating so he could tell Annabeth and then they would break up and Annabeth would realize that they were perfect for each other.

He saw him go into a cafe and he followed him, trying not to look suspicious. He saw him sit at a table with a girl with red frizzy hair and green eyes. Anyone would think they were on a date. He knew this was the perfect opportunity to catch him red handed. He discreetly took pictures of them, making sure to get their faces in it.

He was about to send it to Annabeth but realized that she would be really sad since she clearly liked the guy. He didn't want to make her sad but he also wanted to date her. His want to date her overcame his want to not see her sad, giving himself the reason that he could easily comfort her.

He quickly sent her the pictures while texting "Hey I was at a cafe and saw your boyfriend with this girl. Just thought you should know."

He quickly went home, eager for the next day so that he could finally have Annabeth.

When he went to school the next day, he expected Annabeth to be sad, instead she was angry and walking towards him. She grabbed his arm and dragged him to an empty classroom. "Why did you send me that picture? Were you seriously stalking my boyfriend?"

"W-what no! I just went to the cafe because I had seen it to grab something to eat bad I saw your boyfriend with a girl and it looked like they were on a date so I thought you should know! You should be thanking me for showing you that your boyfriend was a cheater."

She glared at him. "The girl he was hanging out with was Rachel Elizabeth Dare, one of my best friends. She doesn't date and doesn't have a desire to. Besides she's lesbian so even if she did want to date, she wouldn't date Percy."

I was in shock. He friend was lesbian. Before I could say anything, she walked out leaving me in an empty class room with just my confused thoughts.

I know if isn't very long and I don't know if this is what you expected. I really hope it is. Thanks for reading! Bye!

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