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Hi! My name is Samantha and I have a problem. I have a crush on my best friend. His name is Percy Jackson and he's literally every girl's dream. every girl in school has a crush on him and, honestly, you can't blame them.

He has a lean, muscular, swimmer's build with an eight-pack and tanned skin. He has sea-green eyes that look like they're moving like the sea. Ironic right? He also has jet black, unkempt, messy hair which honestly looks so hot. Almost every girl in our school has asked him out, and he always says no.

My guess is that he either has a crush or a girlfriend and I'm pretty sure it's a crush because he's never talked about having a girlfriend to anyone. I also think he has a crush on me because he's always helping me hold my books, offering me rides home, holding the door open for me, and paying for my lunch when I forget my lunch money. 

I decided that I would confess to him on Friday after school so that if he does reject me, which I won't think he will but I'm taking precautions, I can take the whole weekend to mope and cry without having to show my face anywhere.


It was the day of the confession. I was sitting in my last class and daydreaming about confessing to Percy and him feeling the same way and us getting together and getting married and having a bunch of kids. As I was daydreaming, I heard a bell ring. I realized that I had essentially daydreamed through the entire class.

I got up, grabbed my stuff and rushed outside, waiting and hoping to catch Percy before he started walking home. He was dropped off by his stepdad and he stays at his school till 4. I saw Percy standing there, looking like he was waiting for someone.

"Hey, Percy!" He turned around and waved at me. I walked over and stood next to him. I was really nervous so I decided to make small talk instead. "Are you waiting for someone?" "Yeah, I'm waiting for some of my friends to pick me up. They told me that would pick me up and then we're gonna head to my place and hang out there." "Oh, cool."

I steeled my nerves and turned to him. "Percy, I need to tell you something and it's really important." He turned to me and looked concerned. "What's wrong? You look really nervous? Is everything ok?"

"Yeah everything fine, but I need to get this off my chest. I..... I like you, Percy. Like I really really like you. Like a lot. And I feel like you like me too? So do you wanna go on a date with me sometime?" I had gotten it out. I felt like I was on top of the world. Like I could do any-

"I'm sorry Samantha, but I have a girlfriend." My heart dropped. He had never said anything about a girlfriend. "What-" before I could finish, this girl appeared out of absolutely nowhere, got in front of him and hugged him. He higged her right back and then kissed her.

It was like he was rubbing salt into my wound by rejecting me and then kissing this girl. That pissed me off. Who did this girl think she was? Percy obviously had a crush on me and she was probably forcing him to be with her.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" I angrily spat out towards the girl. She turned around and looked at me confused. "What do you mean?" "Why are you kissing him? He obviously likes me and you're probably forcing him to be with you so back off!!"

The girl's expression contorted from confusion, to fury, back to confusion and then back to fury. She opened her mouth to say something but Percy cut her off. "Ok Samantha I really don't know what you're talking about. Annabeth would never force me to be with her and I don't have a crush on you. You're my best friend at this school, but I don't like you like that."

My eyes started tearing up. "B-but w-what about you h-helping me a-all t-the time w-with my books and paying for my lunch!!" I wailed. Percy looked at me weirdly. "It's common courtesy to be respectful to others, especially women. It doesn't mean I have a crush on you, it's just common courtesy, manners and just being a decent human being."

The girl next to Percy wrapped her arm around his waist and said, "His mother raised him right. I can't believe the world has come to the point where showing common courtesy to women or anyone is considered them having a crush on you."

They then walked off leaving me in tears and wanting to die of embarrassment. I cannot believe that he rejected me. I was sure he had a crush on me. The tears welled even more in my eyes when I thought about what I did. I looked down and quickly walked off, trying to walk straight as my eyes were blurred.

I got home and ran to my room, locking the door, jumping on my bed and balling my eyes out. I regretted confessing and I can't believe I thought he had a crush on me just because he was being nice.

Ok yes hey hi! I know its been literally so long since I've posted but I have a reason! I have had literal non-stop tests and exams and what not and I have had ZERO time to do anything. BUT I have officially started holidays so, if you haven't read my message board, I plan on updating multiple one shots, making another one shot story which is daminette and writing my first story. Thank you guys for sticking around for so long and I love you guys so much for sticking with me for so long. It's also my birthday so expect a few more oneshots.


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