Inseparable but Separated

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There is one swear word in this story

Percy and Annabeth were inseparable. That was a fact and everyone in school knew that. They were best friends. It was pretty simple really. You mess with him you mess with her. You mess with her you mess with him.

They both knew martial arts and self defence so they could beat you up if you hurt one of them. Percy had the slightest crush on Annabeth. It was very small and started when they both had kissed each other when they were twelve in a game of spin the bottle.

Percy loved the water. Annabeth loved studying, despite her dyslexia. Percy had dyslexia too. Even though Annabeth called him dumb, he wasn't really dumb, just very oblivious.

He called her Wise Girl. She called him Seaweed Brain. He said she was too smart and wise. She said his brain was full of seaweed. They had sleepovers almost everyday.

Percy's heart broke when Annabeth got her first boyfriend. His name was Luke Castellan and he was the player of the school. That was a known fact but Annabeth had always had a crush on him.

Luke used that to his advantage and asked her out. She obviously said yes and told Percy. Percy was sceptical but let her go on the date, telling her to stay safe and not do anything stupid.

They went out and on Valentine Day he asked her to be his girlfriend. Percy's heart broke. After that his life was a mess. Annabeth was never free to hang out with him and when they did get a chance to hang out, all she talked about was Luke. Luke this, Luke that.

Frankly, he was sick of it. But he tried to keep it in, for Annabeth's sake. But, he cracked. It was the day Annabeth finally had time to hang out with him. But as usual all she was talking about was Luke. Percy snapped.

"For gods sake Annabeth! Can you talk about something other than Luke for once?! Every time we hang out, which is barely once a month, all you talk about is your fucking boyfriend. For once can we talk about something else!? Im sick of hearing how amazing Luke is and how good a kisser he is and how much you miss him. If you miss him so much why don't you just go hang out with him."

"He's literally the player of the school!! I don't know what you see in him. He's just using you! The second you say you don't wanna kiss him or go any farther than kissing, he's gonna go do it with another girl. You and I both know that's the truth!"

Annabeth was furious. How dare he say that. She got to her feet. "Don't you  dare say that about him. You don't know him. He's not like that. He's kind and sweet and considerate. He never lets it go too far and always makes sure I'm okay with it. You don't know him! You don't even try to know him. He's not a player. He's one of the sweet-"

"See that's what I'm talking about! All you talk about is Luke. Why can't we ever talk about something that isn't Luke!? This is the first time I'm hanging out with you in gods knows how long and when I think we can talk about something else, you start talking about Luke!! Seriously, I'm sick of it. Im leaving. Go to your boyfriend since you'd clearly rather hang out with him wouldn't you!"

With that, Percy left Annabeth's house. He was crying. All he had was his mom and Annabeth. His dad had died at sea and he had no relatives since his mom was an only child. Now, all he had was his mom. No one else. He cried the whole way home and went straight to his bed, crying himself to sleep.

I should probably wrote more but I have an exam tomorrow and I need to sleep so this is a part story.

This chapter is dedicated to hopexoxxo  for always supporting me and always pushing me to do my best. I'll officially dedicate this to her when I have my laptop. Go check out her stories if you like romance they are honestly amazing.

In other news, thankyou for 1.63k reads!!!!! Like, what!!!??? That's so cool and amazing and I appreciate it so much. Like, people read my stories and actually like them!!

Thankyou so much. Bye

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