Chapter Thirty Six

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6 Years later...

"Mommy! Mommy! Look at me!" My daughter Miley yells for me as she plays in the sand.

"I see baby girl!" I laugh at her excitement. I watch from the porch as she continues playing and laughing.

Miley is six years old now. She's growing up so fast, I can't keep up.

Everything has been good for the three of us. Jake has continued being successful with his parents businesses. Things were hard for me for a couple years after losing Max and everything else that happened, but I've been doing great lately.

I miss him so much, but I know he's in a better place. I do go to visit him all the time. He may not of been Jakes baby, but he was still mine.

"Come on Miley, let's go get you cleaned up and ready for a nap." I walk down to her and help her pick her toys up.

"Mommy I don't want a nap right now." She whines. I reach down to pick her up.

"I know honey but if you don't take a nap now you'll be all cranky later." I pinch her cheek.

"Okay okay fine mommy!" She laughs and pinched my cheek back.

I laugh and walk back to the house with her still on my hip.

We walk back into house as Jake walks through the front door. He was coming home from work.

"There's my girl! Come here baby!" He throws is briefcase down to catch Miley as she runs for him.

"Daddy!" She yells. She loved her daddy so much. Jake had her so spoiled, but I can't be mad at him for that. Miley deserves the world.

"Tell daddy you gotta go get cleaned up and take your nap." I tell her as I walk up to Jake and kiss him on the lips.

"Have you been playing in the sand again?" He asks her as he kisses her cheek.

"Maybe..." she giggles. "Mommy said I could!"

"Ah, I should of known." He looks to me making me laugh.

"Come on you little monster." I take her back from Jake and we go up stairs for her bath.

After her bath is done I take her to her room and lay her down in her bed. She quickly falls asleep. I kiss her cheek and go back downstairs.

Jake was sitting in the living room watching tv. I go and sit next down, cuddling close to him.

"Miley asleep already?" He asks, putting his arm around me.

"Yep, I knew she needed a nap. Momma knows best." I laugh.

"Yes she does." Jake says as he leans over and kisses my neck.

"What do think you're doing?" I ask.

"Kissing my beautiful wife." He says as he leans up and kisses me. He lifts me up and places me onto his lap. He continues to kiss me.

"Jake we might wake Miley up." I try to tell him to get him stop, but I didn't actually want him to.

"No we won't babe. We can be quiet. Or at least I can." He laughs.

"Hey!" I smack his shoulder.

"I want another baby." He says. He stopped kissing me and looked at me to see my reaction.

"You do?" I ask.

"Yes. I want us to have another baby." He says again.

"I do too." I had been wanting to have another baby for about a year now but I hadn't got the courage to ask Jake if he did.

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