Chapter twenty two

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"No! He's innocent!" I yell as I watch an officer handcuff Jake. "Just let him go!" I cry. I fall to my knees. Tears were falling down rapidly now.

"Abby, baby it's okay. I'll be okay." Jake looks me in the eyes. "Just go with the officer and we'll figure this out." He adds. I slowly nod and the officer helps me back up. The officer leads me to his patrol car and I sit in the front with him. I watch Jake as they shove him into the back of the car in front of me. I began to cry again. I can't lose him. No, this is wrong. What happened? Someone has to be in on this. Everyone thinks I ran away with him. That's exactly what I'm going to tell them too. I continue crying, but I eventually fell asleep in the car.

When I wake back up I find myself in the police station. My first thought was where was Jake? I get up from my seat and run to the front desk. "Where is Jake?!" I ask in fear.

"He's in the room down the hall, they're talking to him right now. You can see him in a few." The lady at the front desk says. I nod and go back to my seat. I hope that everything will be okay. He's got money, I can bail him out right? I stand up and pace on the floor, I start to bite my nails. It's a habit I used to have, I guess it's back.

"Ma'am, you can talk to him now." The lady says. "Just through that door." I nod and walk towards the door. The two officers that arrested him walk out of the room.

"Can I see him?" I shyly ask.

"You want to see him?" They both ask. They look at me like I'm crazy.

"Um, yes that's why I asked. He's my boyfriend." They stare at me for a moment, but open the door and let me in. Jake was still in handcuffs, sitting at a table. He was looking down at his hands, he looked so tired.

"Jake?" I ask. He quickly looks up to me.

"Abby baby I'm so sorry!" He says. I run over to him and hug him as tight as possible.

"No don't be sorry, please. It's not your fault. Someone has set us up I think."

"They have it on the securities cameras at your old job. They have proof that I kidnapped you." I watch as tear slides down his face.

I wipe it away. "No. We'll figure this out. I'll lie. I'll do whatever it takes to get you out of here."

"They're already getting ready to set up my trial. It'll probably been done by next week. I could be in prison for a long time." He says.

"That quick?" I ask and he nods slowly. "But what about bail. I can bail you out right?"

"They might give me bail, but it's possible that they won't."

"I don't understand, everything was going so well. We told the news or whatever that I ran away with you." I say.

"I don't really know. All I know is someone showed them the video."

"I need to see the video. I'll be back." I say. I hug him once more and kiss his cheek.


"Yes?" I ask.

"I love you. Remember that." He says.

I smile. "I love you Jake." He smiles and I walk out the door. I notice the officer I rode with was at his desk.

"Hi, can I please see the video of my kidnapping. I just need to see it." I smile politely as possible.

"Well I'm not supposed to show you, but I guess I could break the rules for just a moment." He says.

"Thank you so much." I say.

"No problem. Just come around here and I'll pull it up for you." I nod and walk around his. I crouch down to see the screen better. He skips the video until I start walking to my truck. I walk out to my truck and a man starts behind me dressed in all black with a rag in his hand. It was obviously Jake. I could tell. He poured a substance into the rag and held it over my mouth until I was unconscious. He lifted me up into the truck, got in and drove off. But I  notice someone else in the video.

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