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a/n: i didn't proofread this tbh haha. 

When the clock struck midnight and Feb 9th turned into Feb 10th, Seulgi's phone lit up with messages from her members wishing her a happy birthday and asking what she wanted. She sent a link, and Joohyun purchased it for her with no issues, Seungwan promised to deliver her gift later and so did Yerim. Both Yerim and Sooyoung wished her happy birthday on Instagram as well as some of her other favorite staff members. She was happy to speak with the ReVeLuvs for a few moments before bed too, and ended up sleeping through half the day. She received a gift from Ferragamo as well, and got to eat delicious food and cake as well as share a new youtube video with the fans of her making some noodles.

The only thing missing... was Jaebeom. He's probably busy, which is why she doesn't take his inactivity to heart, but as her birthday starts inching closer to an end... she is worried. He hasn't even texted her yet...

When Yerim comes over to drop off presents, they also do a quick v-live that she promised to do during her last v-live when she made her schedule with Luvies. As they end, she hugs Yerim goodbye and prepares to spend the night curled up in bed with some movies. As she figures out where she will put all her floral arrangements, she decides to check instagram. Jaebeom has posted a reel of him singing Love by Musiq Soulchild, it's barely 15 seconds long, but it's enough to fall for his smooth voice. She misses him, and she goes to call him, tired of waiting around but the call goes straight to voicemail. She's bummed, because she has plans to go home to celebrate her birthday, her fathers' birthday and the Lunar New Year with her family the next day. She should get some sleep.

But then there's a knock on her door.

It's late, so she's not expecting any more visitors, the only member she hasn't seen today was Sooyoung, but she's already enjoying time with her parents. She opens the door a bit, taking a peek before opening it wide. "Jaebeom?"

"I know I'm late, but happy birthday!" he comments, holding out a gift bag for her to take. She moves aside to let him come in, and de-mask, wash his hands and remove his shoes. "I'm sorry I haven't contacted you all day, I figured you were busy, and I didn't want to interrupt your time with your members since I know it's precious to you since you don't live with them anymore." He explains, "I was waiting at a cafe nearby for your vlive to end so I could surprise you." Seulgi was sad earlier, but the fact that he's here now is enough for her. She wraps her arms around him in a tight hug as he places a kiss against her head. "Open your gift."

There's a new vinyl that she wanted, as well as some small decorations for her new place, and a new mug for her to enjoy her vanilla lattes in. She loves it, and tells him so. "Are you staying?" she wonders and he shrugs.

"If you want me to, I will... but if you want to rest, I'd understand."

"No, I want you to stay."

He's only ever been to her apartment once, and that was in the previous year when she had first moved in, he came over to help her assemble some furniture. Since then, they've both been busy with their own things and only meeting at their studio spaces. She shows him around, showing off her interior design skills and what else she plans on doing to make her apartment feel like a home. After the tour, they head to her room to watch some movies, Seulgi changing into some pajamas, and giving Jaebeom some clothes he can change into too (ones she stole forever ago and had been meaning to give back but didn't have the opportunity too... aka, she wanted to keep them for herself).

They're not sure which movie they want to watch, so they settle for an anime, letting it play as they cuddle. "I saw your video." he admits, "It was cute."

"It was messy... so much steam, and just a mess in general." she whines, "usually when i cook i'm much more organized, but i guess having to talk distracts me."

"It's fine, it looks like it came out well. You did worry me when you were cutting... your knife skills are better, but--"

"You can't baby me just like my fans do. I know what to do so I don't hurt myself."

"I know, I know... but I can't help but worry." he teases, smoothing some hair out of her face.

"I saw your reel..." she comments, "The lyrics... isn't that song a bit bittersweet? And are there actually things you want to tell me?"

"Yeah... I've been a little lost... now that I'm a freelancer basically. I get to do what I want, and I'm open to collaborating with anyone now that i don't have to worry about it going through a company for approval, but I don't know what I want to do either. I miss Mark now... I miss all of Got7 now, but we all have to do our own thing." he reaches out to hold her hand as he speaks and Seulgi nods in understanding, lightly tracing the scar on the side of his middle finger on his left hand. "I'm in the studio, working on some things, and it's also giving me time to reflect on my life and my decisions... and I just want to thank you for being there for me."

"Of course, always." she smiles up at him, "You support me too."

"Yeah... i saw all your projects last month... even though I'm slightly jealous that you got to collaborate with two male artists, and still haven't collaborated with me... but I'll get over it."

"Are you going to spend time with your mom?"

"Yeah... I'll tell her you say hello and wish her well. Do the same for me to your parents and brother?"

"Yes, I will."

They do settle down and watch the anime they've chosen, but it doesn't last too long. Jaebeom understands that his time with Seulgi is winding down, and soon they'll have to part so she can visit her parents for the new year, and he'll do the same before they're whisked away to work. Red Velvet will start preparations for their comeback soon, probably right after Irene's movie premiere besides the little things they've begun to do, so who knows when he'll get another moment like this to just lie and exist with Seulgi.

As they continue to get older, each moment becomes more precious. Seulgi's confidence has grown immensely, and she's so independent now. He has to take each moment he can get with her and live it to the fullest, because her fans only get more loyal and she becomes more magnetic. She's dozing off slightly, and he doesn't really want to wake her, but he presses a kiss against her lips anyway. That does wake her, despite his intentions, and he holds her close as she kisses him back. "Sorry, baby."

"It's okay..." she insists, her hand cupping his head to keep him close, "Can you kiss me until I fall asleep?"

"Yes, always."

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