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The news of Wendy's unfortunate fall spreads fast, kind of hard to ignore it when you hear the sirens sounding outside the venue. It worsens the mood... there was already safety concerns and to hear that someone he knows well suffer such a fate really upsets Jaebeom. Especially when Seulgi texts him that RV isn't attending at all anymore. He understands why, Wendy's health comes first, but the inner boyfriend in him can't help but be sad that he won't get to see Seulgi.

He ends up having fun during Got7's performance but he really can't help but worry. He worries for Wendy, he worries for Seulgi. The girls were so excited about this comeback, it's been a huge success for them in only two days and now it's all ruined and pushed to the back burner for something that could have easily been prevented.

He sends texts of encouragement to Seulgi even though he knows she won't reply immediately. It's sad, because they should be celebrating her achievements and being merry like the Christmas spirit flaunts but there's nothing to be merry about. She ends up calling him, right after their stage of eclipse and page, and right when Red Velvet's prerecorded stage of psycho plays. "Babe, I hate that SBS is playing this right now.." he admits, "don't get me wrong, you and your members look and sound amazing, the dance suits you, and you all look like you're having fun, but knowing what happened to Wendy earlier makes it so hard."

"I feel terrible, she's like a sister to me... and to see her in so much pain hurts me too." She sounds like she's just finished crying, which is appropriate because of how selfless she can be.

"Babe... I know its not what you want to hear right now, but everything will be okay. You all said it yourself in your new song... look at the positive. She's on the road to recovery, sure they're will be some pain but the fear is gone."

"It's just so hard... I want to help her more, but I can't."

"You're helping her by being her strength. She needs your love and support, and you're doing your part by giving it to her. It's Wendy, she'll bounce back from this stronger than before, but you'll have to remind her that it's not her fault. None of what happened tonight is her fault... you all halting promotions is also not her fault."


"I have to go now, Seul... but the song, the visuals, the choreography is all perfect and I'm so proud of you. I'll also give you all my love and kisses, and instead of returning them to me, you can give them all to Wendy."

"Thank you, Beom... I wish I could have saw you earlier, I miss you."

"You'll see me soon, don't worry. Get some rest, you all had a long day." Hanging up the phone is hard because he wishes he could stay longer and comfort Seulgi but the show will be ending soon, and he has to be on stage with the other artists.

The news spreads everywhere, and SBS is under scrutiny for their shitty attempt at apologizing. It's insulting, that they refuse to take the blame on something that is their fault and doing. It takes them a full twenty four hours to issue an apology where they actually direct it towards Wendy but it's also too late and not good enough. The girls also are continuing some of their schedules but they're not performing under Red Velvet, and Jaebeom thinks that's a great move.

Seulgi ends up sleeping most of the day, and by the time she calls him, he's already made plans to go to Soap with his friends to support them. He promises not to stay out too late, and maybe even stop by, which Seulgi solves for him saying she wants to go to his place instead. He's not going to deny her the escape she wants and needs, so he agrees.

one dayOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz