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a/n: it took me an entire week to write this, because it was a constant death by seulgi situation which results in this: get wreckt jb. get wreckt seulgi. i'm also impatient, so i'm posting this part  now, and will post the rest probably july 6 or 7th, depending on when i can proofread the rest and fine tune things based off the debut. 

When Jaebeom heard about the newest Red Velvet subunit, he was one: happy because it was about damn time, and two: surprised that Seulgi kept a secret for so long. However, the more he thought about it, the funnier it was to him, because it made sense why she barely had time for him, and he only could witness her hair and nail changes via FaceTime because she was always working and couldn't sneak off for dates. It left him bored, because Got7 is doing their own things, and his consists mainly of making songs only for them to be rejected because his boss is a prick. He does visit his parents for a bit, hanging out at Yogurbara once it reopened, and listening to his mother complain that she made some drinks and candles for Seulgi, but can't give them to her because she's so busy.

His disappointment comes when SM announces that they're pushing the subunit back to July, and he gets worried for his girlfriend, not wanting her to get too overworked or stressed as she shoots variety shows and a new Level Up Project with mainly just her and Irene. When a date is officially announced, he pre-orders two albums to be supportive, though he planned on giving one to his mom after Seulgi signed it.... and then the teaser comes out and he throws that idea out the window, because he wants to be selfish and keep all the Seulgi visuals to himself. 

He's actually a bit... jealous? Because Irene gets to be so close to Seulgi, and he can't seem to even secure a late night dinner. Luckily, they pulled some strings, and he gets to spend one night with her before she gets too busy with music shows and promotions. He's already her sunbae, because even ignoring JJ Project's debut, GOT7 debuted in January, and Red Velvet debuted in August. But now... even his other subunit Jus2 is older than her subunit. He plans on teasing her about being a rookie all over again, especially since she's finally the real maknae, not just the fake maknae.

Before their official date, they're going to take a chance, and steal a few seconds together at the station. She's doing a photoshoot at the subway, showing off yet another designer bag, and sponsored outfit, while he enjoys using the subway for transportation, reminiscing on when he used to b-boy there. They agreed to meet at a stop briefly, he's just going to peek in on her shoot before heading off in his own direction, aka work. Luckily, there's no one around at their meeting spot, so he sneaks up and says hello to her and her photographer friend. "Beomie!" She squeals, throwing her arms around him when he's close enough and hugging him tight. He takes a second to take in everything about her. Her lighter shade of hair, her hazel eyes, her petite form, and how he really wants to kiss her but they both can't be bothered to remove their masks right now. They don't have that much time together. Just a few stolen moments between busy work schedules. 

He gushes about how excited he is for the subunit, and how he can't wait to follow along with the fans and see more as the teasers are released daily. Seulgi tells him that she's excited to share the mini album, and spoils how her solo stage Uncover will be on the track list. He laughs, because it's similar to how GOT7's special stages were released on the DYE album, especially Ride. "I have to go to Gangnam now, but it was great getting a few seconds with you." Jaebeom explains after looking over some of the photos she's already taken.

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