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The beginning of April brings a Japan showcase for Jus2 and Seulgi gets to play DJ for the night. She arrives early, gets her script and begins taking notes. Of course, that's when she also gets a call from her boyfriend. "Yah, I'm working." She teases as the call connects and his face pops up on her screen.

"I wanted to see the new DJ for myself."

"It's only for one night." Seulgi tells him looking over his appearance. "We're both wearing neutral colors."

"You stole my look."

"No, you stole mine."

"Only because you are the color in my life, so when I'm not around you I'm only shades of grey." Jaebum tries to say it with a straight face but it doesn't work and Seulgi bursts into fits of laughter. "Also... those hoop earrings, are you sure those are yours?"

"Yes, they are! I promise." She sighs, "are you going to watch the show?"

"I have to do a vlive with Yugyeom and Youngjae, but I'll watch the recording when I'm done."

"How was the showcase? Day 2 right?"

"It was great, I made a few mistakes today but there's so many performances, I don't know I got a little mixed up. But I promised to do better and apologized to the fans."

"I'm sure you still did amazing."

"Even though I messed up, I told them I'm no longer sexy or cute. I'm perfect."

"Japan has inflated your ego."

"You tell me that I'm perfect all the time."

"Perfect for me, there's a difference."

"Whatever." Jaebum smiles.

"When are you coming home? I miss you."

"A week?"

"That's so far away. First you leave me for Macau, and now Japan."

"I'll be back to you soon, it'll fly by."

"I hope so. I have to go now, my show is starting in a few."

"Okay, call me after when you're home."

"Okay, bye~"

The show is going well so far, and Seulgi's quite happy with the result. She was nervous in the beginning, but the nerves died down the longer she worked and now she's pretty confident. Her playlist was already set and it's coming to an end. The last song that's she's planned is a bold choice because it's a Jus2 song.

JYP has given them the okay to reveal their relationship, and she mustered up the courage to sit down with her managers last week and tell them what's going on so they could talk to SM higher ups, and although they didn't like it, they accepted it and are ready to put out a statement when necessary. She and Jaebum have spoken about it and they're ready to reveal it in stages. She knows this will start rumors, people will talk, and she's ready for it because she's tired of hiding Jaebum.

After the show, and on her way out, she's given flowers and a cake by her fans and she thanks them with watery eyes for their never ending support. Her managers takes photos of her with the items, and she posts it on Instagram. As she's into car on the way home, perusing through the comments, she sees a few of the fans talking amongst each other about the playlist and how they were caught off guard by the Jus2 choice. Her playlist consisted of her own collaborations, RV, her OST, other SM artist and then international artists that she enjoyed. No one has come out and directly stated that they believe she's dating one of the Jus2 members but they're suspicious. Seulgi doesn't mind, especially since there's no negative comments towards Jaebum (or Yugyeom).

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