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a/n: requested thanks to the revelation that 'alone' in french is seul, and jaegi nation is always thirsty for crumbs haha. but this is cute fluff... and really short,  sorry about that, but it's all that i have the energy for right now. enjoy it anyway! 

Seulgi now feels pretty confident in her ability to drive. She's spent the last month practicing every now and then, since she has her own car now and doesn't have to rely on her friends anymore. She finds it slightly healing, rather than nerve wrecking.

Today, she's playing unofficial Uber, and is going to pick Jaebeom up from his latest shoot. It's getting late, a little past sunset, and she turns off her headlights as she waits for Jaebeom to come out. She's already texted him that she's there, so she just has to wait patiently. She's excited to see him today, especially to see sneak peeks of this shoot. Each month so far has been a different magazine cover shoot from him, and Seulgi is starting to worry that maybe he secretly signed a modeling contract and doesn't want to tell anyone. She's going to run out of room in her home at this rate, one of her shelves filled with his features.

She spots him waving goodbye to his manager and some of the staffs before making his way over to his car. His new manager spots her and waves hi cheerfully, making Seulgi wave back with just as much enthusiasm. Jaebeom hops in the passenger's seat, and removes his mask, saying hello. "Show me, show me!" She comments, leaning over to look over at his phone as he laughs, scrolling through the newest behind the scene photos from the shoot. "So handsome... is that a red mullet??"

"Yeah, weird right?"

"Yes... I'm not sure what my favorite will be yet."

"Yeah, just wait until the photos launch on the website. One of them, I know you'll use as your wallpaper." He explains, "So what's the plan tonight? Movie night, right?"

"Yes! We can order delivery too, I want chicken tonight."

"Okay... your bangs are cute... and I set up notifications for your YouTube music show."

"Thanks! I'm excited for you and the luvies to see it." She turns her headlights on and slowly pulls from the curb, on her way home.

As she parks, she claps for herself, peeking over at Jaebeom. "I did good, didn't I?"

"Yes! You're officially a driver, Seul." He compliments, getting out the car with her as she leads the way to her apartment. "You're growing up too fast, you're not a baby anymore." He teases, with a fake pout.

"I'm not a baby." She complains, unlocking her door. "I'll order the chicken!"

They sit around her living room, sharing their dinner and drinking some sodas. Her phone then buzzes, with a notification that Wendy has started an Instagram live. Seulgi watches with Jaebeom, teasing her best friend too. "She wants me to sing Best Friend with her. But I'm shy."

"Do it, if not for the fans, to support Wendy." Jaebeom suggests, "I can go and hide in the room."

"You don't have to hide in the room, you just have to stay out of sight." Seulgi explains, "... how do I join someone else's live?" Jaebeom shoes her what she's supposed to do and then moves to the side while Seulgi waves hello to Wendy and technically the fans too. She plays with filters, sings the song, and is kind of bummed when she finds out that the connection wasn't that good, and the audio was messed up. She says goodbye and then rejoins Jaebeom on the couch. "I'm disappointed..."

"You still did good, your expressions were great."

"I am a sunbaenim now."

"I'm still your sunbaenim though." He teases, pinching her cheek.

"Hey... can I ask you something?"

"Of course... what is it?"

"I read somewhere that you want to do another exhibit."

"Oh yeah... I have a lot of photos to show off, so why not?"

"I never got to see the first one... I regret that."

"I still have the original photos, I can always show you them."

"I did see some online... and one of them you wrote LuLu-LaLa on the back."

"I did... it's also called alone."

"I know, your theme was loneliness."

"My theme... was also you." Jaebeom shares, "Alone in French... is Seul."


"Look it up, if you don't believe me."

"But... why me?"

"You're my muse, I've told you that before." He smiles, "It was my way of including you... I knew you wouldn't be able to make it. This was how I could include you."

"That's.. So sweet." She admits, throwing her arms around him in a tight hug. "Thank you... for always thinking of me, even when we can't be together."

"It's nothing, really." he hugs her back.

"But it is... you've been through so much, yet you always put others before you. You don't have to do that, you can be selfish and focus on yourself."

"I know... but I'm used to being the leader, it's what I do best."

"No... being you, being genuine and caring, is what you do best." Seulgi corrects, "I can't wait until you have your official solo debut. It'll be so worth the wait because we all know you'll put out your best work, and the support will be well deserved."

"As long as you're one of the supporters..."

"Of course I'll be."

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