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a/n: it gets a little kinky in here tbh

Jaebum is in the midst of practice when he gets a call from Seulgi. He can't hide the smile that blooms on his face and he's quick to answer, excusing himself from the room. "Baby?" he calls out, voice low. He bows to staff as he makes his way towards the door, for fresh air and privacy. "What's up?"

"Just thinking of you." Seulgi admits, "Am I interrupting?"

"Well, I was at practice but it's fine. We're about to take a break anyway." As Jaebum reaches outside he does spot a few fans there, but they don't bother approaching him, probably waiting for someone else. He doesn't care right now that he can get into so much trouble but Seulgi is calling him, so it's a risk he'll gladly take. "Where are you?"

"At the dorm, we have the day off and everyone else went to visit their families. I decided to stay and now I'm bored."

"Why didn't you visit your family?"

"I just saw them a few days ago." Seulgi sighs, "I miss you, Jaebum."

"I miss you too." Jaebum takes a seat on the curb. "I'll be at practice all day, if it's not too late, maybe we can meet up somewhere?"

"Or I can come to you!"

"Babe... that's too risky. What if you get caught hanging around JYP? How would we explain that?"

"I have a special stage coming up with Nayeon, I'll blame it on that. I'm sure she'll vouch for me too."

"She knows about us?"

"Kind of? She knows that I like you, has no idea we've already been dating for years."

"If you pull this off, I'll owe you big time."

"If I pull this off, you'll have to take me out on a date."

"I already take you out on dates."

"Like a dinner date."

"Okay, sure, but I should probably go now, I'll hopefully see you soon."

"See you later, my love." Seulgi hangs up first and Jaebum chuckles to himself before making his way back to the practice room.

"Oppa wait!" Someone calls out, getting Jaebum's attention, "Was that your mom?"

"Yes, it was." Jaebum lies with a mischievous smile, "Who are you waiting for?"


"He's not here today, try again tomorrow."

Later that night, one of Got7's managers dismissed them from practice and offered to give them all a ride home. "Actually, I'm going to stay a bit. There's a song I want to finish recording the demo for." Jaebum explains. The manager, used to his workaholic tendencies, gives him the okay, promises to answer his phone if Jaebum needs a ride later tonight.

It's dark when Jaebum gets the text from Seulgi, and he quickly slips out to let her in. Luckily, there's no fans still stationed outside the entrance, making it easy for her to sneak in. She has food with her, which is great because Jaebum's starving. He leads her to their practice room, thankful that no one's around to see them so that he can grab hold of her hand. "What did you bring for us?"

"Chicken and beer."

"Beer? Baby, your tolerance--"

"Is getting better!" Seulgi admits, "Watch me in Battle Trip, a huge difference from Level Up Project."

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