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a/n: this is for the birthday project. three people requested for this in the form last month, so its in demand. haha, i tried to touch on a lot of the recent information given to us, but i also didn't want to speak and speculate on jaebeom's mental health. it's mentioned, but i tried to do it in the most... respectful and non-triggering or problematic way. let me know if i offended anyone. and yes, there's smut.

he arrives on set to his april shoot for arena homme korea, a little nervous. the staff walk over to greet him immediately, and he bows to say hello to them and introduce himself. his new manager is already there, and she instructs him on where to go for hair and makeup. as he gets ready for the first set, the interviewer comes over to ask him a few questions. "for the interview, i'll say that i came alone, but i'm actually going to have a special guest if you don't mind. she won't intrude, she's just here to watch and keep me company."

"okay, who is it?"

"my girlfriend." jaebeom explains.

though the fans know about him and seulgi's relationship, they've been relatively hush hush about it since the pandemic. it makes it easier on them, but it also means new casual fans aren't aware of their relationship status unless they go digging for more information. jaebeom thinks it's the right move for him, especially since he has no company to back him up, unlike seulgi. it's not a big deal, but they like this sense of privacy.

he hasn't had a proper date with her or spent personal time with her since her birthday, so after his shoot they're going to hang out. a lot has happened that they need to catch up on, and he really needs this one on one time with her. he shoots a 'whats in my bag' style video first before jaebeom sits and has his formal interview where he talks very candid about his plans now that he's no longer in jyp as well as some personal struggles he's had to overcome. he's been diagnosed with depression, and taking medication for it as well as counseling, and he shares how he wants to be open about it because whether society believes it or not, mental illness is still an illness, and needs to be open for discussion. he wants to help his fans, and he encourages anyone who is struggling to seek treatment if they can because no one should suffer alone or in silence. there is also nothing to be ashamed of, and he hopes him sharing his journey will motivate others.

out of curiosity, because they promise not to put in the magazine, but they ask if his girlfriend is aware of his diagnosis and jaebeom admits that he has told her. she was one of the first, besides his parents to hear the news because he felt like it was something the people closest to him deserved to know, especially since he was prescribed medication to help him cope. honestly, seulgi has been immensely supportive, checking on him and helping him document how the medication makes him feel to ensure it's working and there are no major side effects.

after the interview, they start with the photos and styling and it's a fun shoot with a cool set. he can't wait to see the photos and how they come out, and his manager takes behind the scene photos for him too. seulgi arrives right after they've filmed some pool shots, and waves as he climbs out to change into his next outfit. he's given towels to wrap around himself before walking over to greet her. "hey." he uses the towel as a barrier to hug her quickly without soaking her clothing.

"hi... i got coffees and macarons for everyone." she announces, "i already put it on a table."

"cool, i have to change so i'll be back."

"i'll be sitting with your manager!"

"you look beautiful today." he comments, making her blush.

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