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a/n: warning, it's gets really steamy at the end.

It's that weird in-between time during Inkigayo, when Got7 is waiting to perform and has nothing to do but chill backstage. So they spend time eating the infamous Inkigayo sandwiches given to them while Jackson goofs off and tells them funny stories about his solo time in America. Jaebum's listening, he really is, it just doesn't seem appear like he is.

He's got his phone in hand, screen dimmed so no one else can take a peek and read his messages. He's learned his lesson since the last time, Jinyoung' almost caught him suggesting a meeting place with his girlfriend. Seulgi's actually in the building, just three doors down, and it's killing him that he can't see her. He makes sure to tell her so, putting a bunch of pathetic emojis from Kakao that she'll probably laugh at. He's cool, calm, and collected... until he sees it.

Seulgi sends him a picture of her sandwich, and the piece of paper tucked away displaying a phone number and the words 'call me' in chicken scratch. She has the laughing emoji as the only text sent with the photo, but Jaebum's not laughing. In fact, there's nothing funny about this to him.

To: Kang 🐻🍍
>> give me a name
>> i just want to talk to them 😒

From: Kang 🐻🍍
<< no way 😰

To: Kang 🐻🍍
>> why not 😠

From: Kang 🐻🍍
<< because it doesn't matter
<< i already threw it away
<< and i didnt save the picture

To: Kang 🐻🍍
>> i can save it for you

From: Kang 🐻🍍
<< jaebum... ☹️😭

To: Kang 🐻🍍
>> meet me in the washroom down the hall

"I'm going to the restroom." Jaebum announces to his members and their managers. He just gets shrugs, which is fine, he doesn't care anyway. He used to be hot-tempered, quick to rile up, and he's changed since then, or so he thought. He's fuming, annoyed more than angry. It sucks that no one knows that he and Seulgi are an item, meaning that this stunt can happen all the time. In fact, who knows how many times it has happened before and she never told him about.

He arrives to the restroom, sends Seulgi a text to knock before entering, and tries to cool down before she gets there. He usually keeps his possessiveness on the down-low, but now it's boiling his blood, threatening to explode. He hears a knock, and opens the door, Seulgi slipping in quickly. He locks the door, and then presses her against it. "Jaebum?" She whispers, caught off guard when he's suddenly kissing her. She goes to kiss him back, but she's also hesitant, confused.

"Mine." Jaebum mumbles against her lips, and Seulgi gasps. His hands are roaming all over her body, and then he's ushering her towards the sink, lifting her up until she's seated on the counter.

"Jaebum?" Seulgi tries again, but he ignores her, spreads her legs so he can stand between them, kissing down her neck. "Baby! Wait."


"What's going on with you? Why are you so jealous right now?" Seulgi questions, cupping Jaebum's face to get him to stop kissing her. "So what? I got someone's phone number, I'm not going to use it, I have you."

"I know, but I want to do something about it. You're mine, and I want everyone to know that." Jaebum frowns.

"But we can't..."

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