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"We scored our first win today." Jaebeom texts to Seulgi as he and Got7 are on their way to Idol Radio. "I didn't expect to win this comeback, but we did it... or well ahgase's did it."

"Yay! Congratulations!" Seulgi texts back soon after, with a bunch of cheering emojis.

"Let's celebrate! Dinner at my place?"


He and the boys are in a great mood, not only because of their win but because of each other in general. After weeks of being cooped up in the house when they weren't preparing for the comeback, it finally feels like they can let loose (just a bit) and have fun. Promotions will end soon anyway, and is bittersweet that they can't meet with their fans, but it's still been a good time. Plus, being the DJ has it's perks. After stuffing himself with ramen and snacks, and ending a successful radio broadcast, they all are dropped off at home.

He cleans up a bit, plays with his cats and then Facetimes with Seulgi to see what she wants to eat for dinner. "Don't choose ramen, I already had cup fire noodles today." He admits, while she laughs at him.

"I know, I watched Idol Radio."

"What did you think?"

"That you all were so hyper! Should we have curry rice?" Seulgi suggests, "But i want to help make it. I'm a lot better at cooking."

"Aw, babe, you want to cook for me?"

"Yeah!" She laughs, "We can also do some skincare and I need help painting my nails."

"I thought Yeri was going to help you."

"Yeri and I were supposed to make dalgona coffee, but that never happened, so we had it delivered and it wasn't even that good. It looked weird too."

"Aw, I'm sorry, I know how excited you were to try it."

"It's fine. My curiosity is sated... but I'm done getting ready, and I'm going to be headed your way!"

"Okay, I'll see you when you get here." Jaebeom says, blowing kisses her way as she waves happily.

When Seulgi arrives, Jaebeom's blasting music in his kitchen, while he washes the vegetables. She lets herself in, puts down her things and joins him after washing her hands. "Hi!"

"Hey." he greets, before she walks up and places a kiss against his cheek, making him smile wide. "Want to help me peel and cut potatoes?"

"Okay... you're in a good mood." Seulgi points out, "You have been for a week or so now..."

"Just thankful and basking in positive vibes and energy."

"I like it." 

They work in silence, just letting the music play as they cook. It's very domestic, something Jaebeom doesn't want to dwell on. "Chen oppa had his baby, a girl. We're all going to send flowers as congratulations."

"That's amazing."

"Yeah, I'm really happy for him. He found love and happiness, and despite some fans not supporting him, he's thriving with his family." Seulgi says as Jaebeom begins browning the meat in the pot, "I don't want to take away from his excitement, but do you think... we'll ever get there?"

"Married with a child?"

"Yeah..." Seulgi gets quiet for a second, "I'm not saying it as in, we're not happy together now, but like... I will admit that I still care what the fans think. You're an extremely private person, you don't even want to share photos of your cats, but... to be so unapologetic about finding love and being blessed with a baby, that's admirable, and I just wonder if it's achievable for us too."

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