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It's been too long since Jaebeom's last saw Seulgi. There was a combination of conflicting schedules, travels, then COVID-19, and it's been an interesting few months. They still text and facetime constantly, in fact they both are watching Itaewon Class together every week, via Facetime instead of in true Netflix and chill style. He can't even think of the last time they shared a kiss, a hug or even just held hands, and to be honest, he's not sure when they will since the virus is still out there causing issues. But tonight seems to be the night.

Seulgi's coming over, not for long, just for dinner, but it's better than prolonging a meeting. Jaebeom wanted to show off his new pink hair, something he decided to do on a whim, but couldn't even fully commit because he didn't want to be in pain from dying his roots and a comeback is looming so he'd have to change his hair again anyway. He's just bored... he's getting bored, and the fastest way to cure boredom is to switch up your appearance. He's already done his live, hung out a bit with one of his offshore friends, and now he's alone again (or as alone as you can be with five cats).

He dials up Seulgi's number, checking in on her whereabouts. "Hi!" she says cheerily and it makes his heart skip a beat. He really misses her.

"Hi... are you still at the dorm?"

"No! I'm picking up our meal and then I'll be right over!"

"What's on the menu today? Chicken? Ramen?"

"No... corndog and tteokbokki, it's a trend now too. People cut the corndog up into the tteokbokki... i saw it on a mukbang and wanted to try it."

"Hurry, I want to eat soon... but be careful, are you wearing your mask?"

"... I was...."

"Seulgi, put on your mask. I'll see you when you get here."


It's about another half hour before she does arrive, and when he opens the door and greets her, relief washes over him. Naturally, he worries about her, wants her to stay healthy and happy. Sure, he knows she's fine, they talk, he's seen her over Facetime, but nothing compares to seeing her in the flesh, face to face. He steps aside, letting her remove her shoes and grabbing the to-go bag from her as she removes her jacket too. "I'm going to change." she tells him, taking a wet wipe from her bag and wiping down door handles for him. He laughs, Wendy probably helped make it a habit for her. He'll have to thank her and the other members for all their help in playing a part to keep each other safe. 

He washes his hands and transfers all the to-go food from it's containers and to mismatched bowls and plates from his kitchen, setting up the table and shooing away curious cats. He takes a seat, and breaks into the cola, pouring some in a glass as seulgi comes skipping over, wearing comfortable clothes. "Why did you change?" he wonders, "and wash your hands again before eating."

"I just washed them in the bathroom." She pouts, but goes to do it anyway. "Plus, Wendy told me that when I go outside, and come back in, I shouldn't lounge around in the same clothing, at least while the virus is still lingering and wide spread."

"I bet you're happy to have her back, huh?"

"Yeah! She still has some improvements to make, but it's nice seeing her more and not in a hospital." Together, they begin digging into the food, Seulgi demonstrating what she meant by cutting the corn dog up into the spicy rice cakes. "Congrats on your comeback! I can't wait to see the teasers next week."

"You'll really like them... there will be some good promotion this time. Great theme and concept, the outfits remind me a bit of Psycho, a vintage yet elegant feel."

"Did you write the title track again?" Seulgi wonders, poking Jaebeom's puffy cheeks as he chews.

"No... the boss did. I do have one track on there, and he's letting us put our solo stages on the CD, so Ride will be there to make two tracks total."

"Finally. I've been waiting for a studio version to properly listen to. It sucks that you didn't help with the title track, you make really good songs."

"It's fine... I've already accepted it. Most of us were able to contribute somehow, so that's what counts, right?"
"I guess..." She shrugs, "I like your pink hair! How long are you going to keep it?"

"It's already starting to fade, so not too long. When the comeback creeps closer, I'll probably have to dye it back."

"I like when you do things on a whim."


"You usually do it when you're feeling good, or semi-happy? I use semi because I know you're never fully happy, and always striving to do better, to be better."

"That's interesting to hear... some think I do shit on the whim when I've lost it."

"I like to think the opposite then." She huffs, "You are feeling good... aren't you?"

"Yeah, I think so? I've had a lot of time to myself, and it really gave me time to reset my mind."

"You'd tell me if you weren't okay, right?"

"Yeah, I would... just like how you'd tell me if something was bothering you?"

"Of course! There actually is something bothering me..."

"What is it?"

"I couldn't get a copy of your MAPS issue..."

"You can have mine."

"Really? But don't you want to keep it?"

"If you want it, you can have it. They sent the photos to me separately anyway."

"Hopefully I'll get a copy of your Allure magazine spread though."

"The fans don't know about that one yet..."

"You weren't even going to tell me! I only know because I got lucky and Facetimed you while you were arriving which pressured you to tell me. You were going to keep it a secret." She accuses, as Jaebeom leans over to wipe a bit of sauce from her lip.

"I wanted it to be a surprise."

They subtly try to drag out dinner, but eventually it does end. He's not really ready to say goodbye to Seulgi, but he knows he has to. They agreed to just meet up for dinner, and nothing else. So he gives her a few gifts, his copy of his MAPS issue, some polaroid photos, and some earrings because he accidentally ordered two of the same pair. Seulgi changes back into her outside clothes, and gathers her things, saying goodbye to the cats with a small frown. "What's wrong?"

"When will I get to see you again?"

"Maybe after promotions are done, hopefully the virus is a bit more contained so I can take you out on a date?"

"Hopefully..." She sighs. "I'll text you when I get home?"

"Yeah, get there safely."

"... We probably shouldn't kiss, but I want to."

"Yeah... we shouldn't, but I'd like to." He sighs. They settle for quick pecks on the cheeks, though it's not the same, but they can't risk being asymptomatic and spreading the virus anyway. They still hug however, not willing to give up all physical affection when it's been entirely too long without it. "Put your mask on and take care of yourself, okay?" she nods, repeating the sentiment before leaving his apartment. Jaebeom sighs because he misses her already.

a/n: will make ch 30 sometime after jayb's best friend date :)

(might also say f*k it and include smut then too)

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