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a/n: our beomie is officially signed and i'm emo now... but also so excited for him. it's also been a while since i included smut in this fic, huh? time to change that (though it is really tame lol). also, i didn't proofread, what a shocker lol. 

He finishes up the live on his phone and spends a few more minutes replying to comments and reposting some supportive messages from his new label mates. He's happy. He feels an immense sense of relief. All six of his boys have found new homes, and now he's free to do the same. The teaser was a success, his fans are excited for him, his new mentors are excited for him... and he's dropping his first solo song in a few days. His phone buzzes again and he looks down to see it's a facetime from Jay Park. "What's up, hyung?" he questions, waving at him and Yugyeom once again.

"Just wanted to congratulate you again and welcome you to the H1GHER music fam... you might not be under AOMG, but you're still a member of that family too."

"Of course, thanks again."

"But... where are you off to?"

"I have a date." Jaebeom laughs, "Celebrating the news with my girlfriend."

"Ahh, yes, Seulgi-ssi. When can I meet her??" Jay asks.

"I don't know... we like to stay low."

"Invite her to the studio one day! Maybe we can give her a sneak peek of Switch It Up."

"We've already spoiled it a bit on Instagram, but sure, I'll extend an invitation."

"Have fun on your date, and remember if she has any friends, I'm your supportive hyung who personally sought out for you~~" Jay teases, waving goodbye before hanging up. Jaebeom laughs to himself as his manager pulls up to the curb.

"I'll be back in a second." He comments, going to fetch Seulgi from her apartment. His manager is going to give them a ride today, they're going to another art exhibit. They have a private viewing so they can get some much needed alone time.

He wanted to go to the countryside with her and her parents to visit her aunt's farm, but decided against it at the last second, staying home and spending time with his own parents before going out for some scuba diving lessons. It's fun enough that the scuba diving venue was reminiscent of her little mountain hike, and made him feel connected to her even though they weren't together. They'll both be busy soon, thanks to his solo debut, and pretty soon she'll start focusing on her comeback once Yerim's drama wraps up filming.

He knocks on her door, and waits for her to open it. She invites him in while she finishes gathering her things and putting them in her bag. She'll have to take one endorsement photo soon, for Ferragamo and AMUSE make-up, but he doesn't mind.

"Do you have everything?" he questions, helping her put her shoes on.

"Almost..." she comments, "I didn't have too much time, but I did get something for you as congratulations on signing with H1GHER music..." she giggles, "Tah-dah! A new notebook!" it's a simple notebook, with blank crisp white pages, and a cover decked out in palm trees. The simplest gifts are sometimes the most meaningful. "You can write songs in this or just use it to jot down ideas." she explains, "I have a similar one... but with pineapples, and I'll use it to jot down my feelings when I listen to your single when it comes out."

one dayDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora