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a/n: semi-dirty talk/ explicit smut warning....?

The day has finally come to take the photos they would sell to dispatch to reveal their relationship, Jus2 promotions are finally over in Japan, and Red Velvet is back from Indonesia, meaning they have a day or two of rest before their schedules will pick back up.

Their plan is simple, they're having a late night date near the Han River, where they'll ride their scooters, and eat ramen and fish cakes. One of the RV managers is hiding out to sneak the photos for them. It's weirdly freeing, knowing that they don't have to be so careful tonight, and instead they could have fun and enjoy their time together.

They have a quick race, laughing like kids, as they zoom down the walkway on their scooters, the wind in their hair and the moon high up in the sky. Jaebum wins, which Seulgi claims is only because he's taller, meaning longer legs. His prize is a hug, one that her manager takes a grainy photo of, and Seulgi hopes the fans aren't too angry over it. She put her foot down about kissing, saying they weren't ready for that so publicly, so hugs will have to do.

They then find a bench to sit at, sharing her favorite brand of cup noodles and some fish cakes in warm broth. "Do you think your manager got some good photos?" Jaebum asks. He's been wearing a hat and face mask this entire time, so he purposefully takes off his hat and runs his hands through his hair, hoping the manager got a decent photo of it to reveal his face. Seulgi was wearing a mask too, though her hair was pulled up into a bun, and she removes it to eat their late night snack.

"Yeah, I think so."

"This time tomorrow, everyone will know about our relationship."

"I know...we're entering unfamiliar territory."

"Still worried?" Jaebum wonders, and Seulgi nods.

"I just don't want anything really bad to happen or be said about one another."

"But remember... we're in this together."

"Of course." Seulgi smiles, "I am happy that we don't have to hide anymore."

"Same...which reminds me... I've been hiding something from you."


"I moved out of the dorm...into my own studio apartment."


"Yeah, just me and the cats now."

"That's great, but don't you miss the boys?"

"Sometimes, but I'm also ready to be on my own, mainly because I know you won't move in with me anytime soon."

"I'll visit you more though." Seulgi giggles, "When can I come and see it? I'll even make some artwork that you can hang up."

"Tonight? Right after this?"

"I guess I'll skip going home and spend the night with you."

"Who knows when we'll get another chance together? We'll have to give the news time to settle, so our companies probably won't want us together so openly. Though it's not a scandal, it'll be treated like one." Jaebum reminds her and Seulgi sighs.

"As long as I don't get caught sneaking in our out of your place... then it'll really turn into a scandal."

"Red Velvet's charismatic dancer caught leaving Got7's chic leader's apartment after spending the night. What could they have possibly been doing?" Jaebum jokes, "But if anyone asks, the answer is always making music."

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