Chapter 28

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It was a frigid winter day, and the ground was blanketed with a thick layer of white snow. The group of friends bundled up in large, fluffy coats as they made their way towards the Three Broomsticks for some Butterbeer.

Upon entering the cozy establishment, the warm atmosphere enveloped them, accompanied by the hearty sound of laughter echoing throughout. The air was filled with the inviting scent of butter and cocoa.

They spotted Professor Slughorn, his loud voice carrying from where he sat at the bar.

"A chum of mine was sledging down Clagsby Hill. We had a very long, home-made Norwegian style sledge. We hurtled down, we hit what most..." he trailed off, engaged in his own story.

The group found a table situated under the stairs and took of their coats.

"Sit next to me," Ron invited Hazel, gesturing to the empty seat beside him. Riley and Hermione took their places beside Harry.

They all stared at their menus and pondered what drink to get.

"Can I get you something to drink?" a waiter approached their table, his gaze lingering on Riley with an eager smile.

Riley smiled back at him. 

With floppy chestnut hair, kind brown eyes, and charming dimples, he was undoubtedly attractive.

"Uh oh," Hazel mumbled as she looked at Harry who was giving the waiter a hard stare full of contempt.

Before Harry could say anything, Hermione discreetly nudged him, a silent warning to behave.

"Three butterbeers and some ginger in mine, please," Hermione ordered for herself, Harry, and Ron.

"I'll go with a coffee, please," Hazel chimed in, briefly diverting her attention from the menu.

The waiter grinned at her. "You must be American," he commented.

"Yup, if my accent didn't already give it away," Hazel replied, flashing a friendly smile.

The boy flipped his light hair and jotted down Hazel's order in his notepad.

"And what can I get for you, beautiful?" the waiter grinned, directing his attention towards Riley.

Riley, feeling mischievous, decided to engage in some harmless flirting, just to see if Harry would show a hint of jealousy.

This was going to be fun.

"I'll have a firewhiskey, please," she playfully twirled her long blonde hair around her index finger, locking her blue eyes with his captivating hazel gaze.

Hermione shot her a glance of disapproval.

"What?" Riley looked at the brunette and then rolled her eyes. 

Sometimes Hermione just got on her nerves.

"Riles, you're not ordering alcohol. Remember what happened last time you got drunk? And what would Mimi say?" Hazel reminded her, causing Riley to wince.

"Yeah, let's please not have a repeat of last time," Harry chimed in, his gaze fixed on Riley.

Riley let out a sigh, her thoughts drifting to Mimi. Sweet Mimi, who didn't deserve the fate she met.

"Cross that out. I'll have a gillywater instead," she offered the waiter a half-smile, amending her order.

"Coming right up," the waiter saluted and glided off towards the kitchen.

Suddenly, Ron's face contorted into a look of disgust.

"Oh, bloody hell. Slick git," Ron growled as the rest of the group turned around to see where he was looking. 

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