Now say your sorry. (57)

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No one moved an inch. We didn't know what could trigger it. If it was already triggered, if it was by freeing Max and Alex. And if it was, do they really think we're that oblivious?

Hesitantly Lucas reached for his phone, pulling it out and dialling something as the rest of us stayed still till the bone, the silence around us echoing like an empty cave, my eyes landed on Hunters, he had been so sweet, so good to me, I felt sick thinking he could die right now.

My eyes flickered to the look of panic on everyone's face, we had to make it out of this, for their sake. For my friend's sake.

"What the hell Liam?!" Lucas whispered, the anger trailing in his hushed voice, Lucas had always been so prepared, he had always planned everything to a T, I would have never expected to be led into a trap when I was with him, but here I was.

Since I was close to Lucas I could mildly hear what Liam was saying.

"What's wrong?" Liam responded his voice tinted with confusion.

"Why did you tell Hunter this place is a base? I thought you wouldn't be stupid enough to send us somewhere without knowing 100% we weren't walking into a trap!"

"Lucas I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Hunter told us you-." Lucas stopped mid-sentence. His face was tense and confused.

"Hunter told you what?-" In a second Lucas' brows knot as he swallows, my breath goes tight, skin burning, chest heavy.

Lucas frowned slowly lowering his phone as if in shock as his eyes flickered to Hunter and he was met with a grin and the sharp tang of metal as Hunter pulled a gun out aiming it at Lucas.

A smug gleeness plastered on his face, the Hunter I had trusted and loved so closely seemed to be a different person. He was foggy now, unrecognisable.

I react quickly and pull one out aiming right back at Hunter. Followed by the rest of the guys aiming their guns. Like a domino effect.

Lucas put his hands up cutting the call his face drenched with pain.

As we all glared at him my finger begged me to push the trigger.

"Wow. Finally. You figure it out." Hunter laughed to himself. "Must feel pretty awful huh? Having another person so close to you betray you huh Lucas?"

But Lucas stayed silent, his mouth twisting in bitter line.

"Gotta say I expected better of you Lucas, I mean come on I had to lead you into your death for you to finally figure it out." Hunter snorted.

"Hunter what the fuck is going on." I hiss and he glanced over his shoulder to me.

"I can't believe you thought it was Liam." He snickered. "For what it's worth I was on team Leo. You guys would have been cute." He mocked.

"I swear to god Hunter I will shoot you." I spat, my voice was shaky, terror leaking out, blending with the shock of it.

"Oh please go ahead. I'll put a bullet through your boyfriend's pretty little head and we can go down together. I mean that's what best friends are for right Lucas?" Hunter turned to Lucas with an expression that sent chills down me.

Also. Would now be a bad time to mention he's not my boyfriend.


"Hunter what the hell are you doing." Lucas huffed. His hands still up in the air.

"Good question!" He said waving his gun at Lucas." Well, I'm saying what I've been so despite to say all this time. But I guess I should explain why I'm doing this huh?" He Paused thinking to himself

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