My Unravelling. (28)

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He led me past the Starbucks and into a forest, We walked through the dense trees, dirt and twigs for a couple of minutes before we started going uphill.

"Just wondering how long this is gonna take?" I whined dragging myself behind him trying to climb while not spilling my frap.

"We're almost there," He said not looking back, He just kept walking.

Safe to say, we weren't almost there, that liar.

After about a half an hour walk of me whining and him glaring as we trudged up the hill, Lucas stopped at the line where the trees cleared and the sky was on full display he was looking down out over something with a slight smile tugging on his lips.

I got to the top and saw that we were actually at the top of a cliff, it was a towering cliff that looked over the city filled with skyscrapers, The sun was going down and hit the glass on the buildings making rays of light all over the city, The sky was fiery and calm and the cliff was watching from above. As if nothing could touch us up here. As if for a moment we were away from it all.

Lucas sat down on the edge dangling his legs over the ground at the top of the cliff.

He looked up at me and tapped the floor next to him trying to get me to sit. I was a bit wary but I sat next to him anyway. The view was like nothing I had ever seen. And with each breath a drew I felt my heart thump just a little bit more.

We sat in silence for a bit watching the sun go down, but it wasn't the awkward kind of silence, it was the type of silence where you just enjoy each second of it, where the world is so peacefully quiet and you wish you could stay in this pocket of time forever.

The cool summer wind was rustling the trees behind us, and the cars below us humming peacefully.

It was so weird how small people and cars looked from far away.

"I come here sometimes when things get too hectic back home, see that's the problem with letting everyone live in your house, there isn't much time for privacy." He said quietly, his eyes fixed on the sunset.

"I've never seen anything like this Lucas, How did you find this place?" I asked.

"When I was a little kid my mum would take me here and we would have picnics. She used to tell me that no matter what happened in the world I would always be safe here." He mumbled, I could see that no matter how tough he acted he cared more than he would let on.

I rested my hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sure you're mum would be so proud of you Lucas," I said and he looked back at me his face bland but his eyes filled with a sadness I didn't see often.

"Trust me, she wouldn't. She was a cop, she hated criminals, she hated murderers. And I am both. If she saw me now, she would be disgraced." He insisted with a guilty tone in his normally soft voice.

I shook my head. "You fight for the same thing she did and at the end of the day, if she didn't have a badge that said it was all okay, she would be a criminal too."

He had a faint smile on his face.

"What about your dad, he wasn't at your house."

"You noticed that?" I squeaked.

I didn't realise he was paying so much attention to my life.

He nodded.

"He, um." A lump rose in my throat. "He's gone." I swallowed.

"What happened to him?" He asked cautiously not sure if he had the right.

I pushed down the urge to close down, if Lucas could share his trauma so could I.

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