20, 40. (58)

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⚠️TW⚠️ gets a tiny bit gruesome, so read with causation if that kind of stuff affects you.

"You-. You wouldn't do that he's your best friend."

He pushed down the nob at the top of the gun making it click. "There," He chuckled. "Ready and loaded." His expression was no longer smug or amused, it was Icey. As if he looked straight at me and didn't recognise me, and I would be lying if I said I looked at him and felt anything but deep throbbing hatred.

"Fuck you." I hissed and in an instant, he shot down missing Lucas by an inch.

"Say your fucking sorry or I swear to God I will blow his brains out!" He screamed.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry just please don't hurt him." The words flew out of me like vomit, I felt myself go weak, My eyes blurry.

I don't know what I would have done if Hunter had shot Lucas because of my stubbornness.

"Good girl. See, that wasn't so hard was it?" He snickered walking away from Lucas. "Take them away." He demanded and Alex and Rowin were dragged away. Alex still tried his best to fight back but failed while Rowin was out cold.

"Now I need you two to be good and shut up. They should be here soon."

"Who?" I asked without thinking.

Sue me! I want to know what the hell is going on!

"What part of shut up don't you understand?" He whined like a little kid. Before clicking his fingers and some guy passed him a cloth and a bottle.

Fuck no. Not again.

I pulled and pushed, trying my hardest to at least get a hand free, but when that didn't work I stomped trying to smash their feet in, also didn't work as Hunter came closer with his mouth tugging at the ends, he couldn't even hide the twisted satisfaction he got from this.

"Hey look, here are some good memories. Remember this?" He laughed opening the lid and putting the cloth on it before tipping it for a second. "Remember when I said I was sorry about it?" He gave the bottle back to the guy and came up to me.

"Hunter I swear to God-" But that was it, he had already shoved the cloth viscously on my mouth. A lot rougher than before. Everything around me went blurry as my lungs went screamed from a burning acid filling my senses, polluting my blood. The last thing I saw was his curly ginger hair and a blurred face.

"I lied."


"Ah good, you're finally here." A foggy, irritatingly familiar voice hung stale in my head.

"Hey, baby. Ohh, good job."

"I did good didn't I?" The voice laughed.

"Definitely." Someone giggled.

"Enough you two." Another familiar voice demanded and like that they were silent.

My head banged and my eyes hurt but I opened them anyway.  To find myself somewhere I had never seen before, it was a room with chains hanging from the wall. The only light was from the rigid bulbs hanging from the ceiling. The walls were a dirty brown. And then I realised four people were standing in the middle of the room.

Hunter was there, his hands firmly gripping a curly brunette girl's waist as she practically draped herself over him and Raymond the crazy guy from the club lastly another guy I felt like I had seen before but couldn't put my finger on how or where.

He was attractive, young, with my blurred vision it flickered in my mind that it could have been Lucas, but somehow with his chilling mannerism I knew it wasn't.

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