Chapter 1 Kayla's POV

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I'm surrounded by darkness. I was awoken by someone screaming.

"Uhh, I'm Kayla. Who are you? And can you please stop screaming?" I ask.

"HOW CAN I TELL YOU WHO I AM IF I DON'T EVEN KNOW?" they scream back. Okay, so obviously this is a girl...and she is going to continue to scream.

Suddenly, starts moving sideways. The creaks and groans almost drown out the girl's frantic screaming. I feel like screaming with her but I knew that wouldn't help. I stayed huddled up in the corner. While I'm huddled in the corner, I try to go through my thoughts but come up with a blank. I remember the things I've learned, but I can't connect the knowledge with the experience.
"Do you have any of your memories?" I ask the girl. Maybe she'll stop her screamings enough for a response. There is silence for about a minute before she responds.

"I don't remember anything. Not even my name," she responds.

"Not even anything you've learned?" I ask. How did her memory get so messed up?

"Well, yeah I remember that stuff. Just not specific things I've learned. Obviously I remembered how to talk," she responds. That girl has an attitude, kind of like me. I like her.

Then, the box started moving upward. After about 15 minutes the box stops moving. Something creaks and the wall above us begins to open. The light is severely blinding considering I've been a pitch dark box for over a half an hour. I look over to see the girl shielding her eyes but that's about all I can see.

"What does he look like this time?" someone from above yells.

"Uh, i-its not a he. And there are two of them," someone with an accent says. That accent sounds so familiar but I can't get a hold on the thought.

There were a bunch of loud yells and questions that arose with the statement. "What do you mean it isn't a boy?" "There's two of them? How is that even possible?" "How did TWO GIRLS get here?" "I think you guys are full of klunk. There can't be two girls."
These were only a few of the things I heard. Judging from what I heard, these are all boys. And we were the first group of two, let alone the first girls. Oh no, this can't go well.

"Will you guys shut your traps for a sec," someone new yells. "There, now what are we going to do?"

"Well, obviously Alby, we gotta get them out. I thought you would at least be smart enough to get that far," another guy says. Okay, so there is the first name I heard.

"Minho, I'd slim it if I were you," the boy I think is Alby says.

"Uhm, shouldn't we throw a rope down there? Let's not just stand here arguing while those two just sit down there, probably bloody scared to death," the boy with the accent says.

"Someone get a rope or two," Alby says. One voice with a name, probably forty more to go.

My eyes are adjusted and I look up. There are at least ten boys surrounding the opening. I look across to the girl and she shrugs. All of the sudden two ropes drop down.

"If ya want out, grab a hold of the ropes," another boy says. The girl and I grab the ropes and they start to pull us up. Once we are up, we are on a stone platform. I try to look around but a bunch of bodies are in the way. The crowd starts to get loud again.

"Shut it!" a different boy says. This is going to be rough. So many guys and just two girls. Not to mention there are like forty of them.

"What are your guys' names?" the boy with the accent says. I look up and see he has blonde hair. Another way to classify although it's still hard with so many guys.

"First of all, we aren't guys," I glare at him. "Second of all, I'm Kayla."

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