Chapter 12 Candy's POV

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"Fine," Minho says and sighs. "Candy, will you be my girlfriend?"

I feel heat return to my cheeks again as I look down and say, "U-Uhmm." Did I want to? I just met him after all. But.....I do kind of like him. But, what if Kayla would be mad at me? What if somehow it didn't work out, and then he hated me?

"You don't have to if you don't want," Minho says quietly. Kayla starts giggling.

"Uhmm, I-I guess I want to," I say.

"YAAY!" Kayla screams and jumps up and starts dancing around.

"Why are you so happy?" Minho asks and jumps up, "I SHOULD BE THE ONE WHO'S HAPPY," he yells. Oh god what have I done? All of a sudden, Minho pulls me up and forces me to dance with them.

"You guys stop," I giggle.

"DON'T RUIN MY MOMENT," Kayla screams.

"What the shuck are you guys screaming and dancing about?" some random guy says while walking up to us.

"Yeah, what the heck is going on?" someone else says.

"WOAH, BACK THE HECK UP!" Kayla yells at the first guy who was right next to her.

"Okay, just tell me what's going on," he says while quickly backing up.

"Uhmm, last time I check, which was a second ago, it was none of your business," Minho says while letting go of me.

"Why isn't it my business?" the first guy says.

"Yeah, and why were you so close to Candy?" the second guy asks.

"I think it's my business, not yours. Wait....why do you want to know so bad? Are you in love with me or something?" Minho smirks.

"No. And you're disgusting," the first guy says and the second guy leaves.

"What are you trying to hide?" the first guy asks.

"Minho and Candy are dating," Kayla giggles.

"YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO TELL HIM," Minho blushes. I just giggle.


"Ohh. Why would Candy like him?" the guy laughs.

"Slim it," Minho says.

"Seriously though," the guy continues.

"Uhmm, well......he's funny.....and sorta nice," I say. The guy just laughs and walks away.

"Well that was rude," Kayla says.

"Let's forget about him," Minho says.

"What was all that yelling about?" Alby asks while walking up. Kayla starts giggling.

"Uhmm, nothing really," Minho says.

"Oh come on. I'm not stupid. Did pinkie start another fight?" Alby asks.

"No, but keep calling me pinkie and I might," Kayla says threateningly.

"Okay okay, but seriously, what happened?" Alby asked.

"Uhmm, well Minho asked me out...and I said yes," I blush and look down.

"O-oh.....I didn't expect that he would be your ty-...uhmm...congratulations," Alby says.

"Slim it. And thanks," Minho snaps.

"Wow. Minnie is moody," Kayla giggles. I can't help it, I giggle too. Minho looks at me and smiles.

"Well...I'm going to to Uriah...or something," Alby says looking uncomfortable.

"I should leave you two alone," Kayla giggles and walks away.

"She's so evil," Minho laughs.

"Yep," I laugh.

" you wanna go annoy Gally?" Minho asks.

"No. He's scary....and how would you even annoy him?" I ask.

"He's not that scary. What I usually do is follow him and not say anything. It usually works pretty well," Minho smirks.

"Hmmm. Sounds fun," I smile.

"Then let's go," Minho says and grabs my hand.

We go and find Gally, then we follow him around saying nothing until he stops walking. He turns and glares at us, but he turns around again and continues walking. Minho chuckles then follows him again, and I do the same. Gally does the same thing every five minutes. After about eight times, he stops walking and stays that way. Minho and I just stare at him.


"Ohh, sorry, didn't notice you there," Minho laughs.


"I wasn't following you," Minho laughs.

"YOU EXPECT ME TO THINK THIS WAS CANDY'S IDEA?" Gally yells....this time his face is beginning to turn red. I almost laugh, but I manage to hold back.

"Yeah. You see, Candy here," Minho points to me. "Has a BIG crush on you," Minho falls down from laughing.

"EW NO I DON'T," I yell.

"Just kidding," Minho laughs.


Minho and I look at each other, then turn to Gally and say, "No," at the same time. I burst out laughing.

"You guys are weird," Gally says then walks away.

"We have to follow him or he wins," I laugh.

"Fine. But I'll need help getting up," Minho laughs. I walk over and help him up.

"Where did he go?" I ask.

"Where did who go?" Kayla says as she walks up.

"Gally," Minho chuckles.

"Ew," Kayla laughs.

"So what did you do when you left us?" I giggle.

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