Chapter 30 Candy's POV

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The guys have just walked in as Kayla threw a pillow at my arm.

"So what have you got planned?" I ask.

"You'll see," Minho says and smirks.

"Why the smirk Minnie?" Kayla asks.

"I don't think you wanna know," Newt says. Kayla shakes her head and stands up.

"Well you guys missed a very very intense game of battleship," Kayla says.

"Very intense. I might have a bruise in my arm. By the way, what the heck was in that pillow?" I ask. Kayla shrugs.

"Anyways, come on. Everyone's already outside," Minho says.

We walk down the steps of the Homestead and out into the night air. A couple feet away, a huge bonfire blazes.

"Woah!" I say excitedly.

"Oh. This stuff can burn people," Kayla says.

"Yeah. That's why we keep you away from it," Minho says.

"For once, I agree with you," Newt laughs.

"Hey. That's mean," Kayla says.

"You basically threatened to burn is that mean keeping you away from it?" I ask.

"The spirits say I should burn Gally," Kayla says.


"The spirits say I should burn you in your sleep," Kayla laughs evilly.

"Kayla, stop saying that. You could get in trouble," Newt laughs.

"Minho, I'm scared," I say.

"Me too," Minho says then hugs me.

"You just wanted an excuse to hug her," Kayla glares at Minho.

"Well yeah, but you're really creepy, so I took my chance," Minho says. I know him well enough by now to know he's smirking.

"Okay. Well I'm just going to leave. Because you're creeping me out," Kayla says then walks away.

"I'm uhm.....bye," Newt says.

"Well that was rude," Minho says.

"Yeah," I say.

"Are you sad?" Minho asks.

"No. Just....I don't know," I sigh.

"I'll stop smirking then," Minho says.

"Awe. But you're adorable when you do that," I blush slightly.

"Then I'll smirk more," Minho smirks.

"Good," I smile.

"VICIOUS CAME BACK!" Kayla yells.

"Hi," I say.

"Hello spirit interpreter," Minho rolls his eyes.

"Hello annoying slow runner," Kayla rolls her eyes.

"I'm faster than you," Minho smirks.

"No you aren't," Kayla says.

"Stop fighting children," Newt and I say at the same time.

"Remember when you thought that was weird?" I ask.

"Yeah," Newt says.

"It's not so weird anymore now is it?" I smirk.

"Yeah it is," Newt rolls his eyes.

"It's still weird but you're weird and so is he so it works," Kayla laughs.

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