Chapter 31 Kayla's POV

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There are a few things that are good here. Drunk Minho and Candy are not one of them. Minho carries Candy off towards the Homestead bridal style. Not to be mean but I kind of expected him to trip.

"If you ever get drunk, I will smack you," I tell Newt.

"Then remind me to never get drunk. I did once though and you didn't smack me," he replies.

"But we weren't together then. Now were we?" I say.

"Don't remind me," Newt laughs. Just then Felix walks over. "You hit on her one more time and I swear I'll pound your face in."

"Hit on who?" drunk Felix asks. Ever since he's got drunk, he's been following me around and trying to touch me. Newt had to throw him off. He must've just spotted me because his eyes go wide. "Who's the pretty lady?"

"Take your nasty breath back to where you were," I snap.

"Oo, feisty," Felix says and tipsily walks away. He almost tripped over a log but someone caught him.

"I don't know how he's managed not to get beat up," I say.

"He didn't act this way before you guys got here. I mean girls, of course," Newt corrects himself. "Probably thinks he's going to get one of you two."

"I don't even think I would get with that nasty shank. I'd have to be dead first. Probably not even then," I say.

"He'd be dead first," Newt laughs. "Okay love, it's time to go to bed."

"If I get away from this, I shall happily go," I say and skip away. I hear Newt laugh.

"The one time you listen," Newt says as he catches up to me.

"Hey, I listen a lot more than what I used to. Wait, do we have to work tomorrow?" I ask.

"Considering everyone's going to be hung over, no," he replies.

We enter the room where it's pitch dark. I can vaguely see Minho and Candy in her bed. Like always. The pillows are still scattered across the room. I pick up one of them and scamper to my bed.

"Night Kayla," Newt says.

"What? No. Come lay with me," I whine.

"Okay," he laughs and lays beside me. I curl up beside him and fall asleep.


I'm on a roller coaster, yes that is what it's called. I'm going uphill when all of the sudden, I start shaking. Then the sun above keeps saying my name. Kayla, Kayla Kayla, it calls. My heart is racing when I finally hear his voice and I get dragged out of my slumber.

"C'mon love, wake up," Newt says. I groan and throw the pillow over my head. "Oh no you don't."

The pillow and blanket is removed from the bed and I automatically sit up.

"Now what was that for?" I say.

"I've been trying to get you up for fifteen minutes now. Desperate times call for desperate measures," he laughs.

"Can you be any louder?" Minho groans.

"I can talk like this," I say loudly which causes a pillow to be thrown in my direction. "You're the one who asked if we could be louder."

"Let's leave the hangovered people sleep," Newt says and pulls me out of the room. "Breakfast?"

"Did you really have to ask?" I laugh.

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