Chapter 33 Kayla's POV

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"You wanna know what I think of that? Shuck you," I say to Newt and stomp off.

"Looks like opposites don't attract," I hear Minho say from behind me.

"Oh yeah, you two are completely fine-" Newt says but I'm too far away to hear the rest.

Instead of going to the kitchen, I walk to the graveyard forest. I'm too angry to eat. I most likely would break the plate. How could he agree with Minho? What if Minho was right? What kind of boyfriend doesn't chase his girlfriend? Even if I was considering punching him in the face. Okay, maybe not that.

The trees are starting to get closer and closer as I walk. They block out almost all of the sun. Every once in a while, I'll hear a twig snap but I ignore it and keep walking. Then I walk into a graveyard.

"I was wondering when you were going to stop walking," Newt says.

"I was wondering if you were just going to sit with them," I say.

"Kayla-" he begins to say before I cut him off.

"Don't 'Kayla' me! I'm not one to take any of that," I snap as I turn around. Newt is standing a few feet away from me.

"Will you ever let me talk?" his voice rises slightly. "I'm not one to start a fight but you are being a huge drama queen and you need to knock it off now."

"First, a whiny annoying girl and now a drama queen?! If I'm so shucking annoying then why did you feel the need to follow me?" I say. I try to stay as calm as I can but I can feel my temper rising.

"Because you know as well as I do that if I didn't follow you, you would hate me," he says.

"Who says I don't hate you already?" I say. Some of my anger starts to ebb away.

"If you hated me, there is a very high chance I would have had a punch to the face by now," he says.

I don't respond. There's nothing I could say.

"Don't interrupt me," he says and I nod. "Okay. Kayla, you know just because I find that whiny voice annoying doesn't mean I think you are annoying."

"Everyone else thinks so," I say sourly.

"Since when do you care what other people think about you," he says.

"I don't. Not really anyways," I say.

"Then what's wrong?" Newt asks kindly.

"I don't want to be seen as that mean girl who only cares for herself. I don't want to be known as that annoying girl who whines just to get her way," I say.

"The only views that matter are your friends and if they can't accept that, were they really friends to begin with?" Newt says. He has a point.

I sigh. "What about Minho?" I ask.

"He don't count. He isn't normal," he tries not to laugh.

"You just might be the only one to make me feel better," I smile.

"Not even Candy?" he says. This time he doesn't bother to hide the tiny laugh.

"She just calms me down," I say.

"You might need her more than you need me," he says.

"I'll always need you," I say.
"I know and I'll always need you," he smiles.

"So you need my messed up personality?" I ask and laugh a little.

"Yes, yes I do. We should head back now," he says.

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