Chapter 39 Kayla's POV

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An hour later, I drag myself out of the security of the trees to find my friends. I'm sure they're worried about me. I mean, who just disappears like that? When I step into the light of the Glade, I squint my eyes. It feels like I've been stuck in the dark for years.

"Kayla! There you are. I've been worried sick," Newt yells, running over to me with Candy and Minho on his heels.

"You alright? You have leaves stuck in your hair," Candy says when she's a few feet away from me. I run my fingers through my hair and sure enough, I come away with a leaf.

"I'm fine. I just needed some time to think things over and stuff," I reply. Newt looks at me with a sad expression but I just smile at him. "Really, Newt, I'm fine. Don't worry about it."

"I told you she was alright. What can she do in here that would result in an injury or worst case scenario, death?" Minho comments.

"Well, I could climb a tree in there and fall. Depends on how I fall, I could die. I could get a vine and hang myself. I could fall in a hole and twist an ankle," I list before Minho covers my mouth with his hand.

"Like I said, what can she do?" he says with a shrug. Newt and Candy look at him with shock written all over their faces. I push Minho's hand off my mouth.

"You did not think that through. My best friend better not get hurt," Candy says, enveloping me in a hug.

"Can you guys handle a few moments without me? I have to go visit Alby in the infirmary to see if he's alright," Newt says, pointing a thumb towards the Homestead.

"Go ahead. Make sure to tell us if he's alright," I say.

He smiles and says, "Will do," before he walks off. Candy is still hugging me but I don't know if she realizes it.

"Candy, I love you but you're making it hard to breathe," I say. She lets go and apologizes but I just wave it off. "No big deal."

"Since Newt has disappeared, I just remembered I have to go to the map room. We're supposed to go over this month's maps even though I literally know it's just going to be a repeat of something," Minho says. He doesn't sound too thrilled by this. "You girls can join me if you wanna and by wanna, I mean please do. It's so boring in there."

"Eh, I don't know. What do you think Candy?" I ask. Candy taps her chin and shrugs. "We're in."

"I thought you two were going to turn me down by the way you were looking at each other," Minho says and sighs. "This is what I get for getting involved with girls."

"I'll smack you. Say that one more darn time," I say, raising a hand then putting it back down. "Okay, I see what you mean now. With me, anyways. I say your girlfriend is pretty chill."

"That's why I'm with her. That and because dang, look at that beauty," Minho says, wrapping an arm around Candy's shoulder. Candy blushes like crazy and dunks her head.

"No flirting in front of me. I prefer to keep my food down," I say. Minho rolls his eyes and starts walking towards the map room. At least, that's where I assume he's going.

"Are you two scared that we'll be stuck here forever?" Minho asks out of the blue. I think it over in my head.

Am I scared we'll be stuck here? For some reason, I know that we won't but what if we are? What would I do? I think I would go insane being trapped in the same four walls until the day I either die or lose it.

"I know we won't but if we are, there's a few choice people I have to kill off for me to be content for awhile," I say. Candy laughs.

"May I suggest Lewis? Or Felix?" Minho suggests. I nod, those two are on the top of my list. Along with Gally but he's been alright since the Gathering, meaning that I haven't talked to him except for the problem with Ben.

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