Chapter 21 Kayla's POV

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When I got to the Kitchen, there was still a line of people waiting to get food. I miswell help Frypan if he's having this much trouble.

"Dang Frypan, ya slackin'," I say.

"Yeah, yeah. Can ya get more plates?" he asks and I nod. The cupboard holding the plates was right beside the sink. It made it easy to put them away. I carried more over to Frypan who mumbled a thanks.

"Sup pinkie," someone says. When I look up, yes I'm just that short, I can see it's Zart.

"Hey Zart. Ya really felt the need to call me pinkie?" I ask. Before he can respond, Minho and Candy squeeze their way up to the front of the line. "Did you guys have fun playing jail?"

"We weren't playing jail. Alby threw me in there until dinner. So here I am," Minho states.

"Wait you guys weren't messing around?" I ask. If I would've known that, I would've told Newt and not worry about anything Minho said. That would be an ideal night. Anything but serving savages that are called boys sounds better than this.

"No, why would we?" Candy says.

"I don't know. Maybe you guys have some kinky side," I say and smirk a little. Minho had a big smirk on his face and Candy was blushing madly. Her face was as red as a tomato.

"Well-" Minho starts to say but I interrupt.

"Vicious don't want to hear the gory details of your guys' love lives. I'm just happy being oblivious to that dirty mind," I say. I can hear Zart laughing. I didn't know he was still standing there.

"It's okay Minho. Lewis needed his face punched in anyways. The other day he trampled part of the crops. Shucking shank," Zart says.

"Woah, Zen Zart is angry. I've never seen that. You've been shoved and never did anything. Someone tramples your crops things get ugly," I laugh and Zart nods his head.

"You should be mad. Less food for you," Zart says and walks off carrying a plate of food.

"Okay, where the heck is that Lewis? He needs to learn a lesson about ruining food," I say and Candy gives me a look. Probably meaning something like 'you do anything, I'll make sure you don't get food'. Darn girl knows the only thing to get to me. Well, there is one other way. I smirk a little to myself.

"I'd stay calm. Don't want to be thrown in jail. That's too far away from your Newtie," Minho laughs.

"I don't know why you're laughing. You couldn't spend a half hour by yourself," Candy says and grabs a plate from me.

"Blah blah," Minho mutters.

"What?" Candy asks even though she already heard him.

"Nothing, just saying how much I love you," Minho says. Candy blushes a bit and shakes her head. I laugh.

"Hurry up and take that plate, Minho. I am not standing here for my health and I do not want to serve anymore savages," I say and he gives me a slight dirty look. I don't know how that made sense but my mind isn't very cooperative today. I take a plate myself and push my way out of the Kitchen. "Thank gosh, those freaks were getting annoying."

"Did you see Chuck?" Candy asks me as we sit under the normal tree.

"Yeah, he was coming in as I was leaving earlier- I mean just a minute ago," I say and try to cover up my slip.

"What were you doing earlier? Ya know, like an hour ago," Minho says.

"Wise guy once said, that's none of your business," I say.

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