Chapter 40 Kayla's POV

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A whole 'nother day wasted. We couldn't figure out how the Maze could be a code and we were all frustrated from being stuck in the basement with no luck. Felix and Charlie, another Runner, almost got into a fist fight. Charlie threw Felix over a table and tackled him. I couldn't take anymore after that.

I rest my head against the Spirit Tree, breathing in the evening air. I close my eyes hoping for a little peace and quiet but yelling takes over my hearing. Groaning, I lift my head and glance around.

People are running to and fro, shouting about something I can't catch. Nick, a Builder, runs past carrying a bunch of boards.

"Hey Nick!" I yell while standing up. He turns around but slowly moves his feet backwards. I run to walk beside him and he turns around. "What's going on?"

"The Maze doors aren't closing," Nick replies. "Gally asked me to grab a bunch of wood from the warehouse to barricade up the basement."

"The doors aren't closing?" I question but he has already scurried off, surely to find Gally. I look around, hoping to spot one of my friends.

"Kayla!" I hear my name being shout so I turn around. Thomas and the girl from the Box are running towards me.

"When did you..?" I trail off, staring at her with a confused expression.

"Just about an hour ago. Knocked out the guys who were watching me," the girl answers. "I'm Teresa." She sticks out her hand and I shake it.

"Enough of that you two. We have a huge problem with the doors," Thomas says. "Where's the safest place?"

"Most likely the Jail. And maybe the Homestead and the map room," I reply.

"Teresa, jail. Now," Thomas says, pushing her towards the Jail. She protests and yells at him as he pushes her away. I roll my eyes and look around some more.

Are they still down in the basement? Did Gally board them up? I better go check there first before I check anywhere else. Just as I was about to head towards the basement, I collide with someone's chest.

"How in the shuck does this always happen to me?" I mumble as the person grips my arm to keep me from falling.

"I don't know, love. It's real tragic," Newt says, a slight hint of amusement in his voice.

"Of course it's you," I say, looking up at him with a smile. He winks and looks around.

"Have you found the others?" he asks.
I shake my head and say, "I thought they were with you."

"They said they were going to go find where you went about ten minutes ago," Newt says. "Better not be snogging anywhere."

"And what if we were?" Minho says from behind Newt.

"Minho," Candy says, shaking her head. Newt turns around to look at them and I move to stand beside him. "What were you doing holding Kayla's arm?"

"Feisty here ran into me and almost fell," Newt replies, looking at me.

"And that would be Kayla: A Summary," Minho says.

"We have bigger problems than my attention span. The doors? What's up with those?!" I say, throwing my hand in the direction of the doors.

"I don't know but I have a bad feeling about it. We have to get somewhere safe. I suggest the map room," Minho says, already pulling Candy off in that direction.

"What about the other Gladers?" Newt asks. "We can't just leave them."

"Yes, we can. Every Glader for themselves or everyone is going to be killed," Minho says.

"Not necessarily..." I trail off before the first scream erupts from the other side of the Glade. "Go! Candy, you have to go to the map room with Minho."

"What about you two?" she says, worry filling her eyes.

"We'll be okay. You just stay safe," I say and she nods although she doesn't look completely reassured. I wouldn't either if our roles were reversed.

Minho and Candy run towards the map room and I turn to Newt. He's looking over towards the Homestead. When I look over, there's a griever rolling towards it.

More screams erupt as people realize what's going. Without a second thought, I sprint off in that direction, leaving Newt's yells behind me.

"Kayla! What are you doing? Get back here!" he yells, running after me but I'm faster than him and I won't stop. Not until that griever leaves and everyone is safe.

Another griever whirls in but heads for the fields, destroying all the crops. That'll definitely be a problem in the morning, if the Glade can make it through this.

The griever I'm running after starts rolling into the Homestead, ripping apart the porch. Wood flies everywhere, dropping into the grass in small bits.

"Kayla stop!" Newt yells. This time I listen and turn around.

"What? I have to help them," I say.

"You won't help them if you're dead," Newt replies, putting a hand on my arm. Another scream sounds followed by a sound of a griever rolling. I look around and see all the grievers rolling out of the Glade.

"What's going on?" I mumble, mostly to myself.

"I have no idea," Newt whispers, running towards the Homestead. I run after him.

The Homestead is completely wrecked. The front wall that leads into the front room is completely torn off. Inside, Gladers are huddled in a corner. Some with tears streaming down their faces and others looking shocked.

Frypan runs up to us, a look of fear on his face. "They only took one Glader. Michael."

"So what does that mean? Grievers are just going to come in here every night and take one Glader?" I ask. Newt gives me a look that means 'sadly, you might be onto something'. "No. Tell me I'm wrong."

"I can't do that," Newt says and Frypan looks down.

"How are we going to survive? We can't keep going like this," Frypan says.

"We have to find a way out of here. Now or soon. Like tomorrow," I say.

"We'll just have to keep working with the maps. There has to be something," Newt says. We all stand there in silent as the Glade slowly falls apart at the seams.

A/N: short chapter but I thought I needed to update >.<

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