Chapter 43 Kayla's POV

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It was eerily quiet as we ran into the Maze. Even the sound of our footsteps seemed to be muffled. Before we ran in, Minho told everyone to shut their pie holes and not make a peep or he's feeding them to the grievers. That got everyone quiet since they all know Minho means business.

I have a bad feeling about this but I just shrug it off. I can tell Candy, who's running beside me, is nervous beyond all the signs. I wish I could comfort her but sadly that's hard to do while running.

None of us knew where Chuck and Teresa might be. We decided to take the group to the griever hole and if they weren't there, two of us would stay with the group and get them out whole the other two would search the Maze. We couldn't agree on which two would stay and which two would go so I just hope they're there.

We're about to turn the corner to the corridor that leads to the griever when there's multiple clicking sounds. Minho and Newt slam to a halt, sending Candy and I skidding into them. Luckily, they keep themselves and us upright. The rest of the group manages to stop before running into each other.

"Oh please no. I didn't want to run into any grievers," I whine and Newt puts a finger to his lips. I try to peer around Newt's shoulder but he shakes his head, his left hand holding me back by my waist.

Minho turns around and says, "Whatever happens, know that I care about each one of you. Except you, Lewis. You're a shank. And Felix, you annoy the shuck out of me. And Thomas, you're whiny and straight up dumb. And-"

"Minho, if you list everyone you have a problem with we'll be here for a couple more years," Candy says, cutting Minho off from his ramble.

"Tell me about it," Newt mumbles. "There's a bunch of grievers up there. I have faith in you guys that'll we'll make it out of here. Just try your best."

"I don't have anything inspirational like father Newt here. But I will personally hug you all when we get out of here," I say and Candy nods in agreement.

"Exactly what she said," Candy says, smiling a little.

The boys up from all share a grin and nod. Except one, Sebastian, who looks like he's going to faint at any minute. I inwardly groan but I pull him into a hug. He hesitantly hugs me back and I hear Newt huff while Minho snickers quietly.

"You'll be okay. I promise," I say. There I go again making promises that I can't keep but sometimes, a promise really does help. Sebastian lifts his head off my shoulder and gives me a grateful smile. He's taller than me by a few inches so he basically has to look down at me.

"Thanks," he says softly. "Mom."

We both step away from each other and I look at Newt, who's smiling. Minho looks at him like he's crazy then mumbles about not being jealous just a minute ago.

After we've all psyched ourselves up to do this, we run around the corner and are met with about five or ten grievers. I almost stop running when images flash against my mind. I look over at Candy who looks like she's seen something too. We share a look and nod. 

The grievers notice us and start rolling our way, their spikes clicking against the ground. I hear a few people gasps but I don't make a sound. Instead, I dodge every griever that comes my way and sprint towards the cliff.

Before I could get there, a griever sticks out one of his 'arms' and cuts open my arm. I yelp in pain and look down at my bleeding arm. Quickly, I tear off a piece of my shirt and wrap it around the wound.

I know there'll be more wounds but I might as well patch up the ones I can as fast as I can. I continue running to the cliff and I'm a few feet away when I finally spot them. Chuck and Teresa.
Teresa is standing on the edge, her back facing the edge. She has Chuck pressed against her with a knife to his throat. Surprisingly, all the grievers seem to not notice them at all which I think is a little suspicious.

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