Chapter 32 Candy's POV

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"Kayla, I don't think-" Minho begins to say but I elbow him.

"Just let her get it out of her system," I whisper.

"Fine," Minho rolls his eyes then smirks. Kayla begins talking again after saying something about being rudely interrupted.

I try to listen but Minho keeps staring at me. "What?" I whisper so I don't interrupt Kayla.

"Nothing. Just thinking about last night," Minho smirks.

"W-what about last night?" I blush.

"Well, we were about to kiss, but KAYLA," Minho yells the last part, "Interrupted us," Minho smirks with satisfaction because she jumped when he yelled her name.

"What the shuck is your problem?" Kayla glares.

"You interrupted Candy and I last night," Minho glares back.

"I'm sorry but I do not want little Minho's or Candy's running around," Kayla rolls her eyes.

"Maybe everyone else does," Minho smirks.

"But they shouldn't because THAT is not going to happen anytime soon," I say.

"It better not happen soon, or else..." Kayla threatens.

"Or else what? You'll overfeed them so they'll get fat?" Minho says.

"Haha funny," Kayla says deadpan.

"Okay. Sassassin," I pause to giggle, "Stop being the sass master. And Kayla be nice to Minho and he'll be nice to you." I say.

"I will be a good sassassin and be quiet then," Minho sighs then pulls me against him.

"Fine. But don't do....nasty things while I'm near you," Kayla rolls her eyes.

"We'll do them when we're alone then," Minho says.

"OK! SAY NO MORE! I GET IT!" Kayla yells.

"Kayla calm down. I don't think they've even kissed yet," Newt laughs.

"Neither have we," Kayla says. I thought they would've by now.

"Newt is bad with the ladies," Minho laughs.

"Oh, you're the one to talk," Newt rolls his eyes.

"Nope. I just won't do anything Candy isn't comfortable with," Minho says.

"Awe. Relationship goals," Kayla rolls her eyes. "Now can I get back to explaining things to the greenie?"

"You may," Minho says and I giggle. Kayla begins to explain again but I zone out.

After a while, I whisper, "I'm cold." Minho hugs me tighter.

"Did that help?" he asks.

"Mhmm," I smile.

"You sound tired," Minho says.

"Sleepy," I mumble.

"Then go to sleep," Minho whispers.
Just before I go to sleep, I feel something lightly touch my cheek.


"Sweetie, wake up," Minho says.

"Huh?" I say.

"IT'S DINNERTIME!" Kayla yells excitedly.

"Shh. Why do you have to be so loud?" Newt asks.


"Kayla, you look half insane when you smile like that," I giggle and sit up. I was still laying on Minho.

"Well I see Sleeping Beauty finally woke up," Kayla laughs.

"But my prince didn't kiss me," I giggle.

"I did before you fell asleep," Minho says quietly. That must've been what I felt before I finally fell asleep. I turn to look at him. He's blushing.

"Awe. Minnie is blushing," Newt laughs.

"Awe. So is Candy," Kayla laughs.

"No I'm not," I say and hide my face.

"Prove it!" Minho laughs.

"NO!" I shake my head.

"Who cares. Let's get our foooooood!" Kayla whines.

"Don't whiiiiinnneeeee it makes you sound neeeeddyyyyy and annoying.....wait you're always annoying" Minho says in his 'Kayla voice'.

"Minho don't be mean to my girlfriend. But he's right love. You sound all of those things when you whine like that," Newt says causing Kayla to glare at him.

I stifle a laugh but Minho doesn't bother to hide his. "HAAA YOUR BOYFRIEND AGREED!" Minho laughs really loud.

Author's Note: here it is! How long ago was the last chapter? April? Well idk we have been busy lately like in May we had our PARCC test and then in June we had our exams and now it's summer break like ey! So the only chance we have to write is at night and usually we are already preoccupied with something *cough* I wasn't watching teen wolf for the past two nights *cough* so there's the story of why we have not updated in two months

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