Chapter 22 Candy's POV

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"Take your flirting somewhere else," Newt said.

"Fine," Minho said and walked out. It looked like he was smirking.

"Ten minutes, Kayla. Then it's into the room," I say then follow Minho. When we get outside he smirks at me. "What's that look for?"

"Remember when I said you jumping on me was fun?" he asks.

"Oh. Like this?" I giggle and jump on him.

"Yeah," he says and falls on purpose.

"Hey you did that on purpose," I say.

"Yeah. I like when you're on top of me," Minho smirks.

"But you hurt my hand," I pout.
Minho kisses my hand and says, "All better."

"Thanks. That helped so much," I giggle. "Wait can you let me get off of you now?" I ask because he's holding me against him.

"What the shuck are you doing?" some dude with a mean voice asks.

"I don't know. What does it look like we're doing Gally?" Minho asks. Oh. So the shank who was rude is Gally. That makes sense.

"Oh I don't know. Each other!" Gally says sarcastically.

"Okay, chill. We haven't even kissed yet," I say.

"I can change that," Minho smirks.

"You guys are disgusting," Gally says.

"Then why are ya' standing here watching? Does it make you wanna kiss Lewis?" Minho says.

"First of all, I'm watching so you won't make baby Minho's and Candy's because that would be annoying. Second, I'm not gay," Gally snaps.

"We weren't going to make babies. God dude. Calm down," Minho says.

"Can I get up now?" I ask. I'm probably blushing.

"No," Minho smirks.

"Let the poor girl up ya' creep," Gally says.

"Says the creep who's watching," Minho rolls his eyes.

"At least I'm not," Gally manages to say before I interrupt him.

"OKAY! Minho isn't doing anything wrong except being annoying. He is my boyfriend you know?" I snap.

"Whatever," Gally says and walks away.

"Finally," I say.

"Yeah. Oh you can get up now," Minho says and lets go of me.

"What if I don't want to?" I ask.

"Then stay," Minho smirks.

"You're a comfy pillow," I laugh.

"I don't know if that was a compliment, but thanks," Minho laughs as I get up.

"Do ya' think it's been ten minutes?" I ask.

"Probably more like fifteen," Minho says.

"Okay. Let's go get Karl," I giggle.

"Shouldn't be talking Carlos," Minho laughs.

"Slim it Minnie," I say and walk inside and towards Newt's section.

I open the door and see Kayla laying on Newt. They're both asleep. "Shhh," I shush quietly so Minho doesn't do something stupid.

"Why?" Minho whispers.

"They're sleeping. Do NOT wake them up," I whisper back.

"Fine. Just like Karl to ditch us for Newtie," Minho says.

"It's not her fault," I say and start walking towards the keepers' room.

"It's not fair she gets to sleep with Newt though," Minho says as we get there.

"Why? You want to sleep with him too?" I giggle because of the double meaning.

"I didn't mean I wanted to sleep with him....either way," Minho says.

"I know, but I couldn't help it," I giggle.

"You're cute," Minho laughs. "And I meant like it's not fair that they get to sleep by each other and we can't."

"No I'm not," I blush. "And I know it's not but we can't do anything about it."

"Well......your bed is big enough for two people," Minho says.

"But the other guys would think we did stuff and you'd get in trouble," I say.

"We'd have clothes on so they couldn't think that. And I don't care if I get in trouble 'cause it would be worth it," Minho smiles.

"Okay. But if you get in trouble, it's not my fault." I say.

We walk in and get into my bed. Minho pulls me against him. I'm nervous and blushing, but I eventually fall asleep.

Author's Note: let me clear something up, Candy's POV is written by my friend. I write Kayla's POV. I hope that makes sense for the different writing styles. One more thing, would you guys want me to post my other story I'm writing? It's about Newt (since he's my favorite character hehe) showing up at Kayla's house, they live in different realms so to speak. That's all the details I'll give ;-)

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