Chapter 38 Kayla's POV

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A/N: I don't know when the last time I updated was but I know it's been a little bit. I now have a writing schedule so I'm hoping I can stick to it. I plan on having this updated every Wednesday. Enjoy!

"Kayla! Are you alright?" Newt asks as he walks up to me. His face looks concerned.

"I'm fine," I say, waving a hand at him.

"No you're not! You have a bruise on your cheek," Newt exclaims, touching the spot with his fingertips. I can feel the callouses on his hands and I realize how much I love the feeling. The spot on my cheek doesn't hurt at all.

"I'm okay, really Newt. Thomas has the most bruises," I say.

"But I don't care about him. Well, like obviously I do in some way because the Gladers are family. But it's not the same," Newt says and I laugh at his little explanation. I can't even be mad at him anymore. He's just too adorable.

"I know whatcha mean. You don't have to explain," I say. He smiles at me and wraps an arm around my shoulders.

"So you're not mad anymore?" Newt asks.

"'Course not." I watch as the builders and med-jacks strap Ben to a board. He's yelling at the top of his lungs and thrashing around like mad. One builder almost got whacked in the face. Minho has Candy wrapped in his arms to keep her from helping. He's afraid she'll get hurt which I am too.

"You seem distracted," Newt states like the Sherlock Holmes he is.

"Well, yeah. I've never seen anyone act like that," I reply. Minho starts swaying back and forth with a smiling Candy. For what just happened, not many people are on edge. I guess they're used to it by now. Three years here, there's bound to be stuff like this.

"I have. After a while, it just doesn't affect you that much. Sad to say," Newt says.

I don't say anything in response. Instead, I watch as the med-jacks haul away Ben to who knows where. I presume they're going to put him in the jail. It's crazy how a griever sting could mess you up that badly. It drives you crazy.

"Was there something you wanted to talk to me about?" I ask after a moment of silence.

"Oh yeah. After you and Candy left, we were talking about the other girl. Some people are suspicious now. Not of you girls, of course. Most of them like you guys. There suspicious of Thomas and how everything's going to klunk since he came along," Newt says.

"There was literally about two things that were out of the blue with him. Nothing has gone to klunk," I say in return.

"I know but Alby and now the girl? Was there anything Ben said in there that didn't make sense? Or sounded way too crazy?" Newt asks.

"Well, there was this one thing," I reply and Newt nods, his silent way of telling me to continue. "He said he seen Thomas. But he's never left the med-jack ward, right?"

"Yeah, he's been there this whole time. How could he even see Thomas?" Newt asks, looking as puzzled about this as I feel.

"There was that one time Thomas snuck up there and seen you and Alby with Ben," I suggest.

"No, Ben didn't see him then," Newt replies, already shrugging off my suggestion. Well, there's one way to get rejected.

"Besides the whole suspicion of the dumbo, was there anything else you wanted to tell me?" I ask.

"Yeah, just a little comment from the Keepers. For one, they think you're hotheaded," Newt says. I laugh quietly at that. It's quite true, I have a short temper. Newt chuckles and continues, "And two, they think you did a good job handling the Glade while Alby was in the Maze and I was passed out. They think you should be third in command. If you want, that is."

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