Chapter 41 Kayla's POV

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"This is ridiculous! This place is falling apart and you're worried about leaving this place? In case you haven't noticed, we need to leave," I argue with Gally outside of the Homestead.

"We can't leave! We're meant to be here. The Glade is our home," Gally says, making a lot of weird hand motions.

"The Glade is not our home. We were forced here. We didn't just waltz on in and be like 'oh this is a nice place'," I say, waving my hands in the air. I don't even know how I ended up arguing with him in the first place.

It's been three days since the first time the grievers came in here and destroyed everything. Each day they've taken a Glader and destroyed more of the Homestead. The builders have absolutely given up trying to patch it back up.

"Of course we didn't but I've been here for three years. This is the only place I know," Gally says, his voice dropping.

"This isn't for me," I say before walking away. He doesn't say anything behind me so I assume I've left him speechless. Knowing him, he's probably muttering under his breath.

I have to go meet the others down in the basement to try and work out the map situation. I should actually probably start heading down there now. I was only supposed to grab a few snacks...which I did not do.

On my way to the Kitchen, I run into Chuck who was looking quite lost at the moment.

"Hey Chuckita. What're you doing?" I say. Chuck looks up at me then shrugs.

"Just walking. You guys are gone all the time and I have no one to talk to," Chuck says, looking down at his feet as he kicks a stray rock.

"Little bro, you have a job to do," I say. Chuck smiles at that.

"Yeah I know. Don't tell anyone but I'm supposed to be cleaning up the Homestead," Chuck says. I hold a finger to my lips and he laughs. "Knew I could count on you."

"Duh, you can always count on me. I'll always be there little bro," I say, ruffling his hair. Chuck laughs, his face lighting up like it always should be. He doesn't deserve to be in here. No one does. "Listen, I'll let you help me today if you promise to keep laughing and smiling. Deal?"

"Definitely a deal," Chuck says, a new skip to his step. "So what's the first thing to do? Explore the Maze? Check out the maps? Rack our brains for anything?"

"To get sandwiches," I reply. "And other snacks but mostly sandwiches."

"You guys are lame but I'm not complaining," Chuck says. "I could use a snack."

Chuck and I grabbed a few snacks from the Kitchen and head back to the basement. Well, I had back to the basement while this will be the first time Chuck has been down there. When we get down there, Thomas is arguing with Minho over elbow space. Minho looks ready to stab Thomas's eye out with a pencil.

Newt is pinching the bridge of his nose with his head tilted down. "I. Can't. Even. Hear myself think in this room!"

"Put the darn pencil down ya bad onion," Candy says, grabbing the pencil from Minho's hand.

"Snacks! Since you guys look like a cranky bunch of grievers," I say, setting the plate of sandwiches on the table. Chuck places down some drinks and fruit.

Everyone grabs something to eat. I grab myself a sandwich and Chuck follows my lead. We all eat in silence. I don't know what everyone else's reasons are for the silence but mine is to see another view of this map stuff. An idea pops into my head.

"Alright, so there's no exit anywhere in this Maze, right?" I start off. Everyone nods and looks at me like I'm dumb. Besides Candy who keeps an open face. "But it's not. Look here," I point to a section of the Maze where a part opens into nothing, "What's here?"

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