Chapter 35 Kayla's POV

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Minutes dragged by. Seconds felt like hours. My heart was beating wildly. Candy has calmed down but she's still on edge. No one dares mention what has happened. Newt passed out and I cannot get him to wake up. Cat says he'll wake up in an hour and that he passed out from shock. Right now, he's laying across my lap.

"Sweet boy, straight out of a movie scene. Candy hearts and chocolate dreams," I sing quietly, smoothing Newt's hair down.

"Kayla?" Chuck asks. He's sitting beside me. Chuck has been quiet since the doors have closed.

"Yeah Chuck?" I reply, glancing over at him. Tear trails stain his cheeks. His eyes are red and puffy. Poor little boy.

"Do you think they're gonna be back?" he asks, voice cracking ever so slightly.

"I...I don't know," I say honestly. No one's ever survived a night in the Maze but Minho is the best runner I know. If anyone can survive the Maze, it'll be him.

"I hope they do." Chuck sniffles, wiping his nose on the back of his hand.

"So do I," I say.

"So do I," Candy says. She sits down next to me and leans her head on my shoulder. "I can't lose him, Kayla. It'll break me. I can't...I can't go without him."
"I know Candy. It's hard but you have to believe they'll make it out alive," I say. She nods slightly, cheeks still wet with tears.

She gestures to Newt. "Has he made any movement at all?" she asks.

I shake my head. "No but he's still breathing and I'll take that as a good sign," I say.

"He should be up here soon. Just keep soothing him," Candy says.

The Glade is quiet besides the echoing sounds of the Maze changing. All the Gladers have headed to bed. They put up quite a fight when I told them. Gally didn't think it was right that I deemed myself third in command. That will most likely be the gossiping topic of the next Keeper meeting. Besides Thomas slipping into the Maze. If he makes it out alive, good luck to him. Who knows what punishments go with that.

Newt groans quietly, moving his hand up to run his face. He slowly opens his eyes and looks up at me. Relief floods through me. I smile, running my fingers over his cheek.

"You're awake," I say, stating the obvious. Newt closes his eyes again, a hint of a smile playing on his face.

"Yeah," he whispers. "How long was I out?"

"An hour or two?" I say, more as a question.

"Two hours," Candy says. Newt groans again.

"It was my job to handle the Glade and I bloody failed," Newt says. He covers his face with his hands. I frown, gently pulling his hands away.

"Don't blame yourself Newt. You did the best you could but everyone has a weak point," I say.

"Listen to Kayla, Newt. You can't help how you feel. No one is going to blame you for passing out," Candy says.

"Newt?" Chuck asks.

"Chuck? What's up bud?" Newt asks, sitting up. Newt and Chuck have a brother bond and they are very close. I wasn't even thinking about how Chuck felt. I bite my lip guiltily, scolding myself for being so self absorbed.

"I didn't know if you were going to wake up. I was scared," Chuck says. That absolutely breaks my heart. Newt pulls Chuck into a hug.

"I'm alright Chuck. Nothing is going to happen to me," Newt says quietly.

"Let's leave them talk," Candy says, tugging me up and pulling me to the Maze doors. "How much longer 'til they open?"

I rock my head back and forth. The doors open at six and close at eight. It has to be about ten right now so eight more hours. "Eight hours," I say. Her face instantly falls even more, worry written across all her features.

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