Chapter 24 Candy's POV

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"Don't you think Kayla spends too much time with Newt?" Minho asks.

"I spend more time with you.....not that I have a choice," I laugh.

"But like....they're in that room together all the time. It's unhealthy. At least we're walking around and talking to other people." Minho says.

"Well, if you haven't noticed, Newt can't walk......well.....he might be able too....with something to help him," I say.

"Would that something be annoying and short?" Minho laughs.

"Minho, that isn't funny," I say. Then I get an idea. I should ignore him.

"Yes it was, admit it," Minho says. I just turn away from him.

"Oh. Two can play at that game," Minho says then is silent. Chuck walks up.

"Hey guys......I mean girls......wait no, guy and girl," Chuck laughs.

"Hi Chuck," I smile. Minho looks at me.

"Hi Candy.....what's wrong with Minho?" Chuck asks.

"He rude,"I say.

"Well we all knew that," Chuck laughs.

"Hey Chuck. Where's Gally?" Minho asks.

"I don't know why?" Chuck asks.

"Because I want to yell at him for earlier when he was a slinthead," Minho says.

"Oh. I heard about that. You two need to slow down. What if Candy gets pregnant?" Chuck says.


"Dude. You're like.....12......calm your mind," Minho says.

"I wasn't......nevermind. Everything I say will make me look bad," Chuck says and walks away.

"People need to stop assuming things," I say.

"HA! I WIN!" Minho laughs. "Oh. And yeah they do don't they?"

"Do you want me to ignore you again?" I ask. I feel one of my eyebrows raise. Woah. I didn't know I could do that.

"No. No I do definitely do not want you to do that," Minho says.

"Then I win," I smile.

"No you don't," Minho says. It's like he wants to be ignored again. I spot eyebrows and walk over to him.

"Why did you think we did something ya shank," I say.

"You were in the same bed, and I wouldn't put it past Minho to do something like that. I don't really know you too well, so I don't know if you would or not," Gally says.

"Well I definitely wouldn't with other people in the room. That's way creepy. Besides, I wouldn't do that anyway," I say.

"Fine. I'll believe you. You don't seem like a liar," Gally says.

"Uhm....thanks," I say like a question.

"Are you two flirting?" Minho asks.

"NO! What the heck is wrong with you?" Gally asks.

"Why would I flirt with him when I'm dating you?" I ask. "And to answer your question, a lot of things are wrong with him," I giggle.

"Hey. That's not very nice," Minho says. He must have followed me.

"Neither are you," I pout.

"Awe, don't do that. I'm sorry. I'll be nicer I promise," Minho says.

"I don't believe you," I say.

"I will!" Minho says.

"That means you have to be nice to Kayla," I say.

"I will. But if she starts it, I will finish it," Minho says.

"Fine. But I still don't believe you," I say.

"Then I'll prove it," Minho says and hugs me.

"Okay. Can you guys take this somewhere else? I just ate and I would prefer to not lose my breakfast," Gally says.

"But we're adorable," I giggle.

"Yeah. Better than Nayla," Minho says.

"Okay. I have to say you guys are a good couple. And I don't like Newt or Kayla, so I guess I agree," Gally laughs.

"I think we're equally cute couples," I giggle.

"That's because you're too nice to admit which one you think is the cutest," Minho says.

"Nooooo......well maybe," I laugh.

"You aren't going to tell me which one you think is cuter are you?" Minho asks.

"Nope," I say.

"Well, it's probably you and Minho, because are dating him," Gally says.

"Duhhh," I whisper.

"I'M GOING TO TELL THEM!" Minho yells and runs to the Homestead.

"NO BAD ONION!" I yell and run after him.

"What the shuck?" Gally says before I'm far away enough to not hear him.

Author's Note: GUYS IM SUPER SORRY!!! I didn't think it would take this long :,( What's your guys' OTP? ~MaKayla (I write Kayla's pov)

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