Chapter 42 Kayla's POV

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"The next time someone tries to wake me up, I'll be sure to scream my head off like I've just been stabbed in the gut by a psychotic serial killer," I state with annoyance, sending a glare at Zart. He may be full of zen but I'm not giving him mercy if he wakes me up one more time.

"Kayla, calm down. He didn't mean to wake you up," Candy says, leaning against the Spirit Tree.

We figured the words in our heads were some type of password to get out of this place. Yesterday, I made Minho show me the griever hole and I determined how far it would be to jump. Not that far, to say the least. We could do it.

"Yeah, you just happened to be laying in the grass right where he was dumping a bucket of water," Minho says and Candy nudges him.

"Unless he was suggesting I need a bath, I'm pretty sure he meant to wake me up," I say, crossing my arms and staring across the Glade to where Newt was standing and talking to Uriah. Newt had some business to take care of but I never quite caught what it was.

"You do smell," Minho says. I roll my eyes. I was already expecting a comment like that from him.

"Ah yes, I'm glad you smell like roses and not a mix of dirt and sweat," I say sarcastically.

"Kayla, what's wrong? You've been awfully snappy lately," Candy says, looking at me with concern.

"It's much stuff going on and there's so much stress. Everyone keeps looking at me to follow my lead but I'm just an impulsive idiot," I say and groan, falling back onto the ground with my arms spread out. "I just want out of here."

"Hey, you're not an idiot. Impulsive, sure but not an idiot," Minho says. "We all want out of here. We just have to prepare more."

"Training to kill grievers. Fun," Candy says although she sounds like she's dreading it more than she thinks it's fun. It's not fun in the least bit and it's not going to be fun killing them either. If you can kill them.

"Guys, have you seen Teresa?" Thomas asks but I can't see him. It's not like I wanted to anyways so I'm perfectly okay.
"No and quite frankly, I can't see you," I reply. I hear Candy sigh.

"Ignore her. Someone's not in the best mood," Candy says. "Why? What's wrong?"

"I don't know. I can't find her anywhere and I've literally checked everywhere. Yes, Kayla, I've checked there too," he finishes before I can open my mouth. I shrug and stare at the slate gray sky. I was going to suggest he look behind him since he's quite an oblivious guy.

"Just checking. Why do you want to see her so bad? Have a crush on her?" I ask. The sky is confusing me. It almost looks like it's swirling but every time I think I catch it swirling it's just a clean slate. What happened to the light blue sky?

"N-no. That's silly," Thomas responds, sounding embarrassing and letting out a shaky laugh.

"Well not that you've used silly," I say.

"You've totally got a crush on her," Minho finishes. "I'm sure she's around here somewhere. The only way out of here is the Maze and she's not that stupid to go in there by herself."

You never know, Minho. Some people are just that dumb. Or crazy. Either way, you still went into the Maze which is basically suicide unless you're Thomas.

"Funny thing, I can't find Chuck either," Thomas says although that's not even funny. I sit up quickly and glare at him.

"Now why would that be funny? Where's Chuck?" I demand. Thomas just shrugs and looks around.

"Disappeared along with Teresa. Now you care, don't you?" Thomas asks. "Please help me, I have no idea where either of them went and I'm really worried."

"Yeah well I'm worried too. I swear if Teresa has something to do with Chuck disappearing, I'll skin her," I mutter under my breath, pushing myself up and past Thomas.

"Teresa would never do that," Thomas protest.

"She's shady, haven't you noticed?" I say. Minho and Candy follow me and Thomas. I don't give Thomas a chance to respond as I add, "You've checked everywhere? Literally everywhere here?"

"Yes. Every bit of the Homestead, the Deadheads and Fields. In every nook and cranny in the Bloodhouse and the Kitchen," Thomas responds.

"Well, there's only one place left to look," I say, looking out at the Maze doors. "We have to leave at some point. Let's just do it now."

"Kayla, that's crazy," Candy says. "We're not prepared for this. We don't know what we're doing."

"We'll never be ready. We can't get training to get used to the sight of a griever coming at you," I say.

"Kayla's right. We have to see if Chuck is alright and what better way than to escape this hole right now?" Minho says. Candy looks nervous but nods her head.

"You guys are right. Let's get everyone around," Candy says.

Trying to convince everyone it was time to go was a pain. Newt wasn't hard to convince but Alby was shouting about how we can't leave but after I threatened him with a roll of duct tape, he stopped and agreed we had to leave.

Notorious for my threatening skills, I handled the people who wouldn't listen to Candy, who was the reassurer, or Minho and Newt, who was more demand we have to go now.

"Are we ready?" I ask Newt who was standing next to me at the entrance of the Maze. Newt looks out over the crowd of people who were talking to each other while holding various weapons.

"As ready as we can be," Newt responds. Candy walks up next to me and Minho stands on the other side of Newt. "Well, everyone ready to leave this place that we've called home for three years. Well, Minho and I."

"I'll never consider this place my home. You guys are," I say, looking at everyone I've come to call family. Besides a few select people, who I still consider family because you always have those few annoying members you just want to duct tape to a chair, I've come to know and like these boys.

"We'll always have each other," Candy says, putting an arm around me. I put my arms around Candy and Newt. Newt returns the gesture and wraps his other arm around Minho. "Always."

"Here we go...out of the Glade," Minho says, determination in his voice. We all nod, dropping our arms to our sides.

"Listen up Gladers," I yell over the bustle of the crowd. "It's time to go!"

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