Chapter 44 Kayla's POV

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My butt hits roughly against a stone floor but it's a different stone from the Maze. This stone is smoother and has almost no flaws to it. I was the last one to go down the slide so I could make sure everyone was safe.

I stand up, wiping away the slime that covers my arms, and follow the others down a hallway lit with bright white lights to a door at the end marked EXIT. Quietly, with only the sounds of our footsteps, we reach the door. Thomas pushes it open and walks inside, followed by the rest of us.

Inside the room, there's a glass window that looks into a room where a bunch of scientist type away at computers. Gally, who I convinced to come with us, taps on the glass but the people behind don't acknowledge him.

"This WICKED?" Minho asks, looking around at the bare room. "Pretty plain, don't you think?"

"Did you expect some fancy ornate place with gold glittering on the walls?" I comment, looking around as well. Newt walks beside me, his hand in mine.

"I don't like this," he whispers before the doors that we just came through opens. A scientist and Teresa walk in.

"Congratulations," the scientist greets us. I glare at Teresa with so much hatred it's a shock she isn't dead yet. "You have completed phase one of your trials."

"Phase one?" Newt asks in confusion.

"Yes, phase one. See, here at WICKED we are trying to find the best cure to a deadly disease called the Flare. You are our best hope for success," the scientist says. "My name is Doctor Mortez. Welcome to WICKED."

"So where's the part where I can punch you in the face?" I ask, turning my glare to Mortez. Mortez just looks at me coolly.

"Teresa," she says and Teresa steps up next to her. "She's the only one who realizes how good WICKED is. Soon, you all will see that too."

Teresa holds up a gun. I expected her to aim it at me but instead she aims at Thomas. The next few seconds seem to drag. Teresa pulls the trigger after I crouch down, knocking Thomas to the ground.

We both lie on the ground as the bullet hits the wall. Teresa goes to fire again but Uriah tackles her to the ground. The scientist gasps but strangely, they sound either forced or fake.

"Thank you," Thomas says, sounding out of breath. I did just knock the wind out of him.

"You're welcome," I reply, squeezing my eyes shut. The pain is becoming worse and I think I might pass out.

The door opens again and I can't help but think this better not be more scientist. Gunshots go off and I jump up, looking around. People in suits with guns are shooting at the scientist. Mortez falls to the ground, a red patch growing across her chest.

"Shuckface deserved that one," I mumble. Newt looks like he's about to start panicking any moment from where he's standing. I grab onto his and pull myself up.

"C'mon kids! We're gonna get you out of here," a soldier says, motioning towards the door. There's already two soldiers standing there, waiting for us.

I help Thomas up and we all run out the doors. The two soldiers lead us through a lot of corridors and to a huge metal door that's propped open with a giant rock.

The two soldiers lead us to a school bus and they tell us that we're safe now. I'm half tempted to believe them but I can't. Around us, the landscape is covered in trees.

We all climb onto the bus and a soldier checks us for wounds. They give me a shot, which is supposed to counterattack the griever sting, and clean up the wound, disinfecting it and wrapping it up. They also clean up the one on my arm. Newt sits beside me and cleans his face with a wet cloth they gave him.

Minho and Candy sit in the seat behind us. Candy is by the window and Minho has his arms wrapped around her. He looks like he's muttering things but I can't tell. Candy smiles softly and kisses Minho's cheek. Minho blushes slightly and I swear that's the first time I've ever seen him blush.

"That shot working?" Newt asks, handing the cloth to a soldier who was walking by.

"I can see straight and I can think clearly," I reply. "I don't feel like I'm gonna die."

Newt smiles and leans his head back against the seat. "We're out. I can't believe we're out."

"After three years, you guys have seen the outside world," I say, leaning my head against his shoulder. He holds my hand in his and kisses the back of it.

"All thanks to you and Candy," Newt says then kisses my cheek. I blush and look up at him, his eyes shining.

More soldiers climb onto the bus and the doors close. The bus engine starts up and the bus moves. Suddenly, an old lady comes out of nowhere and runs in front of the bus. I gasp, the woman looks almost dead. Her hair is ripped out in random places, her skin is blotchy and her eyes are unnaturally wide.

The driver doesn't even stop and a minute later, we're driving past her dead body. Everyone just sits in stunned silence. Until Winston speaks up.

"What the shuck was that? You did even stop!" Winston shouts at the soldiers.

"That was a crank. They're infected with the Flare. If you see one, you might as well kill them," one of the soldiers answers calmly. None of us say anything to that. Obviously, I don't agree with that. No matter what, a person is still a person.

"You guys are safe now. You can relax now. Go to sleep, take a nap, there's a long drive ahead," another soldier says.
"Who are you?" Thomas pipes up from his seat near the back.

"We're just soldiers here to take you to a better place. WICKED has gone corrupt and no one agrees with their methods anymore. Sending you kids in there was drawing a line," the soldier responds.

"What's going to happen now?" Sebastian asks. Chuck is sitting beside them and they're in the seat next to ours.

"We're going to take you to a safe place," the soldier responds. "Some place where WICKED will never harm you again."

I look over at Newt who has a skeptical look on his face but when he looks at me, he shrugs. I shake my head and lay it back on his shoulder. He wraps an arm around my back and pulls me closer to him.

"Let's hope that what they're saying is true," I whisper, feeling worn out and aching.

"Even if it's not, at least I have you," Newt says, his cheek resting against the top of my head. "All of you guys. We made it out."

"Only lost about half in the process," I say glumly. Newt sighs sadly.

"Sometimes, you can't have it all," Newt says.

"No you can't," I respond.

Quiet conversations and the hum of the moving tires slowly put me to sleep with the dreams of a better future. The sun sets behind the bus, casting shadows onto the floor with streaks of sunlight.
With WICKED behind us and a new place in front of us, there's only one thing left to do. Hope.


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