Chapter 7 Kayla's POV

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"Seriously! You think just because we are girls that means we can't do anything! We can do anything ten times better than what you idiots can do! If it wasn't for me, Newt would've lost a foot!" I scream at the dude who decided to downgrade girls and call Lily a greenie.

"I'll give you tips for the foot thing but you girls couldn't go running around a maze full of grievers!" he yells back.

"Oh really? I wouldn't doubt me if I were you! If I wasn't holding back, your butt would be on the ground right now!" I yell getting more frustrated by the minute.

"Really? I'd like to see you try!" he says and as soon as he says that I tackle him to the ground.

It only takes a minute to get him on the ground from my unexpected tackle. He's trying to pull me off him but he fails. Once he's facing me, I aim my fist for his face. He dodges it by an inch but gets hit on the other cheek. He groans and tries to grab my wrist. All of the sudden, someone grabs my arms and yanks me off the boy.

"LET ME GO!" I scream and try to break free of their grip. They only tighten their grip and drag me over to a tree. The boy who I tackled got up off the ground and was holding his cheek. Before I could get a glimpse of the guy who was dragging me, he threw me on the ground and walked away. Lily walked over to me.

"What happened?" she asks.

"Well, that idiot thought I couldn't beat him up so I proved him wrong. Besides, he called you greenie, I wasn't letting him get away with that," I say and Lily smiles.

"Good, it's 'bout time someone put these dorks into place," she says.

"I couldn't have said it better myself. By the way, nice job with that uh bandage thing," I say.

"Thanks and it's called a splint," she says. "Why don't we go back to The Homestead?"

"Works for me," I say as I stand up. We walk toward The Homestead. Once we get there, there are a big group of people standing outside. "Oh great," I mutter, mostly to myself.

It takes a lot of shoving just to get to the steps. It seems like everybody here is in the doorway.

"If none of you move out of the way, I will scream at the top of my lungs!" I yell.

"Trust me, none of you want to hear me scream," Lily yells.

Most people move over but there are still some in the way. I shove through the remaining people and reach the steps. I look back to make sure Lily was following me. She just shoved the last guy out of the way. As she walks by, he gives her a dirty look.

"Hey, wouldn't of happened if ya moved out of the way," I say to him. He glares at me and I turn around. "They say we're stubborn."

"I know right," Lily replies.

We finally reach the room we are forced to stay in. I swear I feel like some kind of animal being trapped for the next meal. Uhm, okay that was weird.

"What's wrong?" Lily asks me.

"Huh? Oh, nothing just thinking about stuff," I say.

"What were you thinking? You just can't attack everyone!" someone screams at me. I turn and see Alby.

"Seriously? Name one other person I decided to attack," I say and raise my eyebrows. He stays silent. "Exactly."

"Why did you attack him in the first place?" he asks. He's starting to raise his voice. Okay, me attacking someone isn't the worse thing that happens here.

"Who downgrades girls right to their face? He deserved it and he doubted my ability to beat him up," I say.

"That's still no reason to beat him up. You need to learn to keep your temper under control or next time, you'll be put in the jail," he says and walks away.

I turn to Lily. "Seriously? I'll be thrown in jail? A griever does worse than what I just did. Does it get thrown in jail?" I say.

"Uhm, I'm pretty sure you can't put a griever in jail," Lily says.

"But if you could, I'm sure they wouldn't. I think they have something against us. Being the first girls and all," I say.

"So, heard ya got in trouble," I recognize the voice. It's Gally.

"Why, hi to you too. Nice of you to butt in," Lily says.

"Don't you have somewhere else to be," I say. This guy gets on my nerves.

"Well, no. Seeing is the day is over and all. And you are in the keepers room," he says with a smirk. Oh my gosh, this idiot.

"Oh, hmm I don't have a choice but to be here. Ya know, being one of the first girls and all," I say.

"Gally, leave the girls alone. Pretty sure nobody wants to deal with your attitude after a long day," Minho says.

"But why? Everyone loves me," Gally says. This boy is so self-absorbed, it's annoying.

"Leave the girls alone and go to bed, ya shank," Minho says. Gally gives Minho a glare but turns around and walks to his bed. After Minho was satisfied Gally would stay put, he went back to his bed.

"This is gonna be a rough week," Lily says and I nod.

"I'm just ready to go to bed," I say and climb into bed.
"Minho, go away ya creep!" Candy says.

"No, it's funny to see you mad," Minho says.

"Minho, the only thing funny would be if someone tackled you," I say.

"Hey, buddy!" Newt says while jumping on Minho's back. They both fall to the ground.

"See, that's what I was talking about," I say while Candy and I are laughing.

"Newt, get off of me! It's not cool to jump on someone," Minho says while pushing Newt off of him.

"It is if the people are best friends. Then nothing isn't cool," Newt responds. He jumps off Minho. Minho jumps up and dusts himself off.

"Unless they jump on you apparently," I say while still giggling.

"Then you crossed the line," Candy says. Her face is red from laughing so hard.

"Only to Minho," Newt says.

"Very funny. I don't think you guys would like to be jumped on," Minho says while rolling his eyes.

All of the sudden, Candy jumps on me. I laugh as we crash to the ground.

"It doesn't look like Kayla is mad," Candy says in between breaks of laughter.

"That's because you two are weird," Minho says with folded arms.

Me and Candy stand up and she dust herself off. I don't bother to because as soon as I stand up, I jump on Newt. We both hit the ground and start laughing.

"See, Newt ain't mad either," I laugh. "But I'm pretty sure I can't get up. I'm laughing way too hard."

"I can't breathe right," Newt says while still in a fit of laughter.

"I have the weirdest friends," Minho says just before Candy jumps on him and they fall on the ground.

"Awe, but you gotta love us," Candy says. She's giggling still.

"You guys are lucky," Minho says while actually laughing.
I wake up with a start. What kind of dream was that? Was it even a dream? I look around and see the room is still dark. Dawn is still hours away. The girl named Candy in the...memory dream looked a lot like Lily. And those boys looked exactly like Newt and Minho except younger. That had to be a memory. I lay back down and look at the ceiling. I knew a few of these people before I got here and somehow lost my memory.

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