Author's Note

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GUYS GUYS OMG IT'S OVER!! I can't believe this story is over. It has been about a year and a half since I've started writing this with my best friend Cat. I personally didn't expect this to get any reads but I think she did.

I'm just gonna say thank you to anyone who has/is reading this. It means so much to me and now that you've read it, you're very much a part of this story.

I will be making a sequel and I'm almost positive that it'll be a mix of TST and TDC. I'm not sure when exactly I'll make it but I will let you know when it's made if you comment here :)

If you want a character/author ask, comment your questions for any character that you wish or questions for me.

Thank you so much for reading this! I love you all and have a fantastic day/week/month/year/ REST OF YOUR LIFE 'CAUSE YOU ARE ALL WONDERFUL HUMAN BEINGS. IF I COULD HUG YOU ALL I WOULD.

-xoxo MaKayla

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