Chapter 8: Dissociative Identity Disorder

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Felt walks down the red carpet and stops at Reinhard's presence. "Thank you for gracing us with your presence, Miss Felt. It's wonderful to see you." Reinhard gets down on one knee as he bows his head down. "Ah. Reinhard." Felt walks up to Reinhard almost as if she's happy to see him, however suddenly she gets angry and tries to kick him, with Reinhard easily blocking it. Felt exclaims "You bastard! Why the hell did you drag me to whatever this is with no explanation!" Reinhard laughs. "You surprised me. What could've brought on such aggressive behavior?" Felt yells back. "Don't just stop my kick and ask me that like nothing happened, because I've had about all I can take of your surprises!" Subaru yells from the group. "Its nice to see you Felt!" He waves at her as she waves back. Marcos speaks from the front. "Miss Felt, if you've finished rekindling old friendships, I ask that you please step over here." Felt makes her way over. "Fine. So what is it you want me to do anyway?". Reinhard proceeds "If you were asking me, I'd say to act more like a lady, but this comes first." Reinhard places an insignia on Felt's hand, the same one that Emilia had stolen from here. The jewel in the middle started glowing as soon as she held it, meaning the dragon gem has recognized her as a candidate. Everybody seems to be in shock. Reinhard points at the gleaming stone. "As you can see, the dragon gem has recognized Miss Felt as a priestess. Now that her participation has been approved by the powers that be, I believe it's time to begin the royal selection process in earnest."

After some more attitude is shot around with comments left and right, the selection begins. The man at the throne speaks. "Well then, are you all quite finished?" Marcos steps forward. "Would the royal selection candidates please come forth at this time?"

"Miss Priscilla Barielle, and her attendant, Al."

Priscilla walks up to the podium and faces the present audience "This selection process is pointless. I'm the only one who's suited to rule this nation! All you people need to do is gobble before my feet and serve me!" She poses with her hand fan once again. Subaru rolls his eyes, noticing Ram holding onto his arm. Subaru blushes and bonks her head. "The head of the Karsten family, Miss Crusch Karsten, and her attendant, the knight Felix Argyle." Marcos continues. Crusch, the green haired girl with sharp yellow eyes and a very formal uniform, steps up. "Should I become the new ruler, I vow, the dragon will forget it's demanded covenant. The dragon's empire of Luginica belongs not to that beast but to it's people."

"Miss Anastasia Hoshin, of the Hoshin company, and her attendant, the knight Julius Juukulius."

Subaru notices someone as short as Beatrice walk up to the podium. With purple hair and a white fluffy outfit, she continues. "I'm a greedy little gal so I want everything. No amount of commercial success can satisfy me. I want to have my very own nation!"

"Miss Emilia, and the man who's endorsing her, Margrave Roswaal L. Mathers."

Emilia steps up to the podium and takes a deep breath. "I have only one wish. Equality for everyone! I desire to create a nation where all citizens are equal." Roswaal happily says."Stiiil, after the very formal and official sounding introduction of all those knights as attendants. I must admit that I feel terribly out of place heeere!"

"Finally, Miss Felt, and her attendant, the knight Reinhard Van Astrea." She looks over to Marcos. "Hang on, don't get the wrong idea! I never said I wanted to be the next ruler of this stupid country! Who'd want to be in a royal selection?"

"Miss Felt, do you actually wish to withdraw from the royal selection?"

"Damn right I do!"

A voice speaks out from the audience. "What a joke. I've overlooked this because this situation was urgent, but to drag it out this long is senseless!" Another responds." He has a point! The Astrea family offers a gutter rat to rule us, while Margrave Mathers endorses a half-devil? Utter foolishness!"

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