Chapter 19: Sin Archbishop

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"Ram, we saved her."
 Ram looked back to the door. Subaru was holding Rem in his arms with a stern look on his face. Ram spoke. "S-saved who? My sister?" Subaru shook his head up and down, responding. "Yes. Felix healed her." The tears in Ram's eyes started falling as he handed Rem to Felix, putting her on Ram's bed.

Ram rushes over to Subaru with open arms. He catches her in a spin around with tears of joy falling from her eyes as she pulled herself onto his chest. "T-thank you for saving my sister, Barusu!" The tears wet his shirt as he strokes her hair. He smiles looking at her face washed with tearful joy. "You're welcome Ram. C'mon, let's go see Rem."

Subaru and Ram walk over to Felix who is sitting by Ram's bed with Rem in it. “I’m trying to wake her up right now…” Felix had his hand on her chest as his eyes were closed. He opened them suddenly as he removed his hand from Rem, looking down at her. Subaru and Ram tense up in anticipation, looking down at the blue haired maid.

Slowly, Rem's eyes started to open as her breathing grew loud. Ram had tears in her eyes as she mumbled. “R-rem?!” Rem looked over at Ram as she exclaims. "S-sister?!" Subaru smiled as he witnessed the reunion. Rem jumps out of the bed and hugs Ram as they both shed tears of joy.
Felix walks over to Subaru with a smile on his face. “We make a pretty good team, Subaru-kyun!” Felix winked as Subaru smirked. “Hell yeah we do!” The two smiled, watching them embrace each other in worried happy and warm tears.

"I-I'm so happy to see you!" Rem starts. Ram wipes tears from her eyes as she mumbles. "I am too. As much as I hate to say it, most of the credit goes to Barusu for this." Rem looked over at the man in the orange and black tracksuit. When they made eye contact, Subaru looked away and whistled a little tune. Felix bumped Subaru with his elbow as he coughs.
"I must thank him!" Rem said with a smile. Collecting herself, she walks up to Subaru as he looks down at her.

"T-thank you for saving me Subaru! Rem sincerely apologizes for trying to kill you… and taking you and sister away…" Subaru saw a face of guilt wash over Rem's face as he puts a hand on her shoulder with a smile. "It's alright Rem. I'm glad you're safe." Rem blushed at his response as she smiled in return.

After looking back at Ram, she spoke. "Barusu, could you leave us alone for a minute?" Subaru nods and starts to walk out of the room, Felix behind him. "Sure. I do have something to talk to Beako about anyways..." The door shut as Ram looked back at Rem with a smile as they fell to the floor, crying onto each other .
Subaru proceeds to walk into Rem's room to find the yellow haired loli. Making his entrance, Beatrice was looking at the door, as if she was waiting for someone to walk through. Subaru freaked out a little when he saw her looking straight into his eyes as soon as he opened the door. This messed up his classic hello line to Beatrice.

"Yo-" he stopped as Beatrice begins to speak. "You come in here without knocking? You are a very rude man I suppose. What do you want anyways?" Subaru remembered the purple hand emerging from his stomach and another from his back. He tries his best to describe it to Beatrice. "About earlier. While I was saving Rem, I noticed a purple hand sprout out of my chest."

Beatrice’s eyebrows raised a little when she heard this. "It would appear that you have gained the Authority of Sloth I suppose." Hearing this, Subaru put a mixed face that shouted “That sounds cool as hell, but what does it even mean?” Beatrice squinted her eyes as if she read his mind.

 "When Betelgeuse died, the witch factor chose you to be its next owner." Subaru looked down at his stomach and gently placed his hand over it.

 "Why would it choose me?" Beatrice shrugged as she mumbled, "Meh, I don't know." Subaru thought of her words as he asked another question. The answer to this question gave Subaru a pathway to becoming a king.
"What are these witch factors anyways?"
Beatrice started. "They are powers that used to be held by witches and now Sin Archbishops, I suppose." Subaru had a surprised face. "Wait, there are multiple Sin Archbishops?!" Beatrice nodded as she held up 4 fingers. "In fact, there are still 4 other Sin Archbishops." Subaru stepped back a little as an idea snapped in his head.

"Wait, you're saying there's still four of them remaining?!....” Subaru fell into thought for a short moment. “I know Roschi is going to be mad at me for doing something like this… but if we are able to pull this off, we can completely rid of the witch cult!” Subaru finished his thought as he clapped his hands together and snapped, pointing at Beatrice. “Let’s go, Beako!”

“Where to, I wonder?” Subaru looks back at the door as he held her hand to get her up from the stool she was sitting from. “A voyage.”
Subaru and Beatrice exit Rem’s room as Beatrice asks. “Where are we going, this is all so sudden, I suppose!” Walking into Ram's room, the two where sitting next to each other having a small conversation as they stopped to see Subaru and Beatrice at the door.
Subaru: "Yo, Ram, could you get me a dragon-drawn carriage to go to the guard station?"
Ram: "What for?"
Subaru: "I need to talk to Julius about something."
Ram: "If you insist."
Rem: "May I go too Subaru?"
Subaru: "Yeah, sure Rem!"
Subaru, Ram, and Ram head to the guard station in a carriage (Daniel you do conversations I'll fix when you're done)
Rem: "We have arrived."
Subaru: "Thanks!"
Ram: "By the way Barusu, what are you going to talk to Julius about?"
Subaru: "Don't worry about it."
Julius: "I didn't expect to see you again so soon. What brings you here?"
Subaru: "I have a proposal. I want to go on an adventure killing all Sin Archbishops."
Julius: "Is that so? That would be quite the task."
Subaru: "I've seen your power and you a truly incredible knight, I'm sure we'll win if all of us go!"
Julius: "That does sound like a good idea. I have decided I will help you."
Subaru: "Alright!"
Rem: "I overheard your conversation, and it sounds like you want to kill all Sin Archbishops of the Witch's Cult, is that correct Subaru?"
Subaru: "Yep. Would you like to help?"
Rem: "Sure, Rem will assist you!"
"Wow, Rem seems to like me too now." Subaru thinks to himself.

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