Chapter 13: Rem and Betelguese

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Subaru looks at Julius and Wilhelm. "I'm going to need your guys' help with the Witch Cult so this whole mess can be over." The two look at Subaru and nod. "We will gather everyone up so we can plan, wait here momentarily" Julius mounts his land dragon and sets off. Subaru looks at Ram, and notices she was opening her mouth as if she was going to say something. "Barusu, can I talk to you about something that's been on my mind?" Subaru nods as she continues. "The last time I've seen my sister; I might know why she was acting so strangely. Apparently, it's not a disorder she gained, but instead her horn is still intact." 

Subaru looks down at Beatrice frantically. "I did what I had to do to get her weaker in the moment, I suppose" Subaru's eyes widen. "What's going to happen to her now that she still has her horn?!" Ram looks down as she says with a sad and worried face. "I'm afraid that she is going to grow her horn again. During maturing, the horn tends to have a mind of its own while it grows its power. The higher the power level, the more the horn manipulates its owner." Subaru looks down in thought for a couple of seconds as he looks back up at Ram. "Ram, are you saying that Rem could be returned to normal and saved?" Ram looks up with a small look of hope. "How do you think we can do that Barusu?"

Subaru puts his hand across his chin in a thinking position. "Well, since only a portion of the horn was cut off, if we remove the whole thing, we might be able to stop her from growing one again. Maybe that was the reason this entire mess happened in the first place, she probably confronted me about this whole fiasco with the witch's cult by threatening to kill me because of the instincts the horn gave her!" Ram looks up at Subaru with a hopeful face as Beatrice interrupts. "In order for me to remove that thing from her head, I need a precise grip and pull, I suppose. Then I'm going have to destroy it immediately, considering the fact that we don't want it finding its way back to her I suppose." Subaru nods. "Now that I think about it, how long has it been since she's been gone?" Ram responds "About 7 days". Subaru then asks, "How long does it take for a horn to mature?"

Rem puts on the maid outfit that came in the box. "Boss, it's my size?" Holding the roach up to her ear still, the voice says "Yes my dear Rem, I managed to steal one from the tailor shop near here!" Rem nods. "Should I be going off to meet him?" The voice responds. "Yes, get going!" Rem slowly pulls the roach away from her ear as the voice screams "WAIT" Rem's eyes flashed purple. "THE HORN IS DONE MATURING!" Rem looks surprised. "Really?!" The severed horn on her forehead starts shaking as it slowly grows. This time, the horn is larger and sharper than when she last had it. Rem stopped talking as she looks down. "Now I've finally taken care of that bitch, I have her body!" She looks up into the sky. "Now. I should probably go talk to him..."

The carriage travels back at a fast pace. Subaru, Julius, Ram, Beatrice, and Wilhelm are all boarded, as they were heading back to the Mathers mansion. "Should be here any minute now..." Subaru rests his chin on his hand, looking out the window as the scenery passes by. They enter the wooded area as he started seeing people with black hoods pass by. "Stop the carriage!" The carriage then stops as Subaru steps out of it. The black hooded people approach Subaru. "Hey! I appreciate you being here, but the matter I have to attend to is really with your boss, not you guys." The surrounding people then bow down to Subaru, and then vanish into thin air. "At least there's some respect here..."

Subaru waves at Ram and Beatrice. "The village is just a couple of minutes away from foot, just go ahead there and I will catch up!" Ram interjects. "Barusu! Don-" Subaru looks at her with a serious look. Ram looks away blushing. "I won't die Ram." Subaru then leaves and walks toward where the hooded people were last at. Going straight through the forest, Subaru arrives in the little grass field he found with Ram when they saved the children. "I've been waiting ever so patiently to meet you, believer in love! I am a Sin Archbishop of the Witch's Cult, representing sloth. Betelgeuse Romanee-Conti! " Subaru squints his eyes. "Hey. I'd like to know more about this "ordeal" and what you're planning here."

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