Chapter 25: A Moment of Silence

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Emilia kicked down at the icy surface of the lake, checking to see if it was easy to break. "Welp, looks like he's stuck down there for good" Subaru brushed his shoulders as he observed the scene. The large crystal stuck to the middle of the lake, as if it were a statue. The frozen surface and crystal gave off a blue glow, along with making a soothing noise. The air turned cool as Subaru took a deep breath and exhaled. "I love the cold" Subaru thought to himself.

Reinhard walked up to Subaru as he said in a concerned tone, "Did we get him?". Subaru stretched and nodded in a tired voice.  "Looks like we did..." Subaru let out a relieved sigh. Finally, after six deaths, he was able to defeat the Sin Archbishop of Gluttony and Greed. However, he knew at the back of his mind that their voyage was far from over.

Julius, Rem, Ram, and Beatrice all came over hill to see the now frozen monument where the Sin Archbishop of Greed had perished. Julius saw Reinhard as he approached him, walking downhill. "That was an unexpected entrance!" Julius spoke to Reinhard. The two spoke as Subaru thought about who they would encounter next.

"Who's next?" Subaru asked Julius. "According to recent reports sent to the capital, it appears that the Sin Archbishop of Lust has been seen roaming around recently." According to Julius, the Sin Archbishop of Lust had recently been seen in the vicinity of the capital, however they were unaware of their name.

Reinhard then joined in on their wonderings. "Will I be needed for any longer?" Reinhard asked in a calm tone. "Of course, you're the strongest here!" Reinhard would have given the voyage a great advantage, considering he is what everyone refers to as 'Master Swordsman'. "I see... I will help you then." Reinhard gave a soft smile toward Subaru as he gave the same. "Thanks a bunch, Reinhard!" He flashed a thumbs up.

To Subaru's surprise, it was easy to get to help from Reinhard on their voyage. "Maybe it's because he knows the Sin Archbishops won't be easy to deal with... Whatever, I'm not complaining!" Subaru eased his mind now as he turned to see Beatrice and the others sitting uphill, looking at the scene.

Ram, being in the group, notices Subaru looking up at them and walks down to him. Emilia then returned from observing the frozen lake as she spoke. "Alright, we'll head to the carriage now!" Emilia told Ram and Subaru, "Are you coming with us?" She then asked, tilting her head in question.

Before Subaru could speak, Ram started speaking with a smirk on her face. "No thank you Miss Emilia, I'm going to go teach Barusu a lesson." Subaru squinted his eyes as he thought. "The hell did I do?" Emilia then nodded as Reinhard and Julius walked up hill to go get the others to prepare.

"Barusu come here." Ram pointed toward Subaru as she walked over closer to the glowing lake. Subaru blushed and nodded as he followed her.

With the lake giving a chill to the air, Subaru took in the temperature as he gazed at the stars. "The night sky is beautiful." Subaru says to Ram as they stared into the stars. "It sure is, Barusu." Ram's hand slips into his as they held each other close.

After a small moment of silence, Ram spoke. "Good job, Barusu." Ram looked at Subaru with a small smile on her pretty face, showing him that she was proud of Subaru for defeating Lye and Regulus. Subaru blushed and held her hand tighter. "T-thanks Ram!" He said with a small smile back.

They stood holding each other for a small moment. Without a word, Ram pulls Subaru closer to her, as their faces were now inches away from each other. Subaru blushed as his eyes grew wide. With Subaru knowing what Ram wanted, He pulled Ram in for a kiss. Their tongues touched, with each other's saliva swishing through their mouths. Subaru felt his face grow red along with Ram's, warming them in the cold atmosphere. Subaru looked at Ram and could tell she was clearly enjoying it, so he closed his eyes.

In his peripheral vision, he saw something shine across the sky. Looking up, he saw a shooting star shoot across the sky. Ram noticed this too as she smiled looking at Subaru. They fell into another kiss again as they held each other there for what felt like hours. After letting go, Ram stared into Subaru's red face. She then gave him a small smack in the face as she scoffed. "Let's go, stupid Barusu." Subaru nodded with a smile, as they proceeded to the carriage, catching up with the others.

Going toward the now destroyed village, they heard a voice shout from the distance. "Subaru, Ram! So that's where you two ran off two, what are you doing here anyways?" Ram then pointed at Subaru with a smirk. "Barusu is being a massive pervert, Miss Emilia." Ram scoffed at Subaru, pretending nothing had just happened.

Subaru looked at Ram with a priceless face as he started to shout. "I was not being a pervert; it was more like you were!" Ram then shrugged with a smug look on her face. "The wonderful Ram would never do such a thing!" Subaru then rolled his eyes as Emilia pointed toward the wooded area which was being illuminated by a lantern. She led the two toward the carriage, where everyone was seen checking their belongings and packing for yet again another trip.

"Are you guys ready?" Emilia asked Ram and Subaru, who were now standing by the crowded carriage. "I am, Barusu is not. Stupid Barusu." Ram scoffed at Subaru. Subaru then rolled his eyes again as he turned over to Ram to yell at her once again.

"Oh, would you shut up already?!" Subaru yelled at the smirking Ram. She shrugged her shoulders as she made a smug face once again. "Hah" Ram once again scoffed at Subaru as she mocked him, once again showing a tough front.

Subaru entered the carriage and grabbed his belongings as he skimmed through them and lazily threw them back inside. "All ready." He groaned as Ram sighed. "You truly are useless, Barusu" Subaru shrugged at her response and boarded the carriage which was now crowded.

Beatrice was being squished in between Reinhard and Julius. She looked to be very irritated, judging by the look on her face. Rem was sitting by Emilia and Frederica as they were having a small chat. All the seats were taken, minus the passenger's seat by Otto.

Subaru took a moment to observe the crowded carriage, thinking to himself. "Wait a second, where would Ram sit?... Wait a second..." Subaru then had an idea that brought a smirk on his face.

"Looks like there's nowhere for you to sit, Ram." Subaru said, smirking. He walked out of the back of the carriage and around toward the passenger's seat. He boarded it, sitting by Otto as Ram followed him. "Looks like I have no choice then, stupid Barusu."

Ram then boarded up to Subaru and sat on his lap, almost as if it was natural. Subaru's face quickly turned red with a blush as he saw Ram sitting on his lap. "H-huh, Mister Natsuki?!" Otto turned to see Ram sitting on Subaru's lap. Otto was surprised at the scene that was unfolding before him. Subaru smirked at him as he looked away quickly with a blush on his face.

"I kind of feel left out..." Otto muttered as Subaru looked at him with a sad look on his face. Subaru leaned close into his ear as he whispered to him. "Don't worry, I'll help you out one day..." Otto then looked at Subaru with a small smile on his face. "Thanks, Mr. Natsuki!" He spoke.

Subaru turned back to see everyone in the carriage. "Are we ready? Where's our next location, Julius?" Julius responded. "It would appear the Sin Archbishop of Lust was last seen in a town near the capital called Priestella." Subaru nodded as he turned to Otto. "Let's go!" He nodded as he whipped the land dragon, proceeding toward the capital once again.

Otto looked to his left at Subaru and Ram, who looked very tired. Ram closed her eyes as Subaru tightly hugged her so she didn't fall off the rumbling carriage. She dozed off, leaving Subaru and Otto in silence. Otto looked over at Subaru as he asked. "Mr. Natsuki, can I ask you something?" Subaru nodded. "What is it Otto?" Otto started.

"Well, the maid that you sent me with... Me and her talked a lot on our way to the capital- and we got along surprisingly well-" Subaru smiled and cut him off. "You mean Frederica?" Otto nodded with a blush on his face. "Yeah- and I was just wondering if you think that..." Subaru nodded as he started to talk.

"Don't worry about it." Otto nodded, giving Subaru room to talk. "I see, well, I'll keep you updated Mr. Natsuki. Maybe you should come along with us sometime!!" Subaru nodded. "Sure thing!" Otto nods, giving Subaru thanks once again.

Subaru held onto Ram as he looked down at her pink hair which he stroked lightly. Calming down, he started to squint his eyes as he dug his head into her cloak. "I love you, Ram..." He muttered as his vision blurred and he started to fall asleep.

Volume 5 End 

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