Chapter 32

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I still can't believe she actually agreed to go out on a date with me.

With that stupid, misleading picture leaking, I wasn't sure if she would ever speak to me again. I'm glad as shit she took my word for it and decided to trust me. I would never lie to her about something like that.

I don't want anyone but her.

Simple as that. And I'll do anything to prove it if it comes down to that again.

Damn. I'm going on a date with Bella.

A date.

Food? Drink? I don't fucking know, making out, maybe?

Fuck. Dinner isn't enough.

Why did even think a dinner would suffice?

This is Bella we're talking about. I can't just wine and dine her and expect her to be dazzled by my charm alone.

I mean, fuck me, it took me over two weeks to get her to even agree to the idea of us out on a date together.

Easy to say I've never thought I'd have to come close to consider begging a girl to go out with me. This woman knows how to deflate my ego like no other.

And surprise-surprise? I like it. Yep. I really do. She's never even thought twice before speaking her mind around me in the last months I've known her. It's refreshing as fuck.

For years I have had women aiming their alter egos my way to seem- I don't even know. Lascivious? Racy? Sexy?- thinking I'd like that and fall for it. What they didn't realize was it's the same damn rodeo whenever I go out. I don't want to be the guy that claims he hates female attention but.... I don't necessarily thrive on it as much as I used to and others probably would now.

It's time for me to close that chapter of my life. The endless nights of alcohol, drugs and waking up in beds, next to slim and very naked ladies on the other side of town. Having to check my location on the phone to even pinpoint my way home. I'm not old but I feel way too old to keep doing that.

New York just proved that juncture further. I was fucking exhausted. So ready to sleep the alcohol off and fly back home to my woman.

Normally, I wouldn't even have thought about whether or not to take that one girl back to my hotel with me. I'd take her with me, fuck her brains out, never see her again afterwards. This time, I couldn't even contemplate it. The thought of her and I in the same bed... it brought up the purest shape of disgust and dropped down deep in my guts. I couldn't even imagine it. I was looking down at a hot blond, brusquely describing all the ways and positions she'd like me to fuck her in and my dick didn't even reaction or stir.

Not. Once.

Bella's rejection was still a fresh, ostensibly open, unhealed wound that still prickled and stung at that point. But even despite that, I could not for the love of God return the heavy dallying being handed to me on a sexy, blond platter.

That was the last drop for me.

I knew. I fucking knew that if I didn't do everything in my power to show Bella how serious I am about her, that I would regret it for a long, long time.

Call me cocky but the girl likes me. She likes me a whole lot. Her reaction on those stupid, deceptive leaked pictures was just plain evidence. She was seething and ready to rip my head out. I'm honestly still amazed at how I managed to pull this off. My convincing skills must be a helluva lot better than I thought they were.

Either that or I'm just a really great kisser.

A rowdy groan escapes my lips at the memory of hers. Her rare, sweet taste, pillowy soft and so. Fucking. Good.

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