🕷(58) Stark Industries

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Brooklyn POV-

One of the things Brooklyn had found a sort of solace in during her 'punishment' was going to Stark industries every now and then when dad was not busy with a mission he always refused telling her anything about.

Tony would pick her up form school in his now familiar orange Audi while Happy grumpily promised to take Peter home. Now he had to take agent Claire back as well, so at least someone else would keep Peter company through the Downton Abbey soundtrack.

Despite the slight worry of leaving her sweet best friend alone with a SHIELD agent, Brooklyn was happy to spent some time with her dad as last, even if this was technically work.

Like always, he greeted her enthusiastically with his newest learned Russian greetings that always made Brooklyn smile. Unlike Happy, Tony was a lot more open to sharing control of the music in the car, but Brook often found his picks were not bad at all.

So as they sat int he car, a rather unhealthy bag of curly fries in each of their laps and rock classics blasting around them, her dad briefly used the stop sign as a chance to turn her way.

Tony lazily leaned on the steering wheel as he asked with a smile, "So, how was school today? Bet you're getting bored with those basic curriculums with all the work the SHIELD science division has you doing"

Brooklyn swallowed a cluster of salty fries before replying with equal ease, "School was good, days without decathlon practice always seem more relaxing even though school has gotten significantly more boring. How is everyone doing back at the compound anyways?"

Her otets  smirked, "Thats my daughter! And everything is fine, no one is too overworked, but it think most are just happy to be able to help even if the government is breathing down our necks half the time"

Brooklyn couldn't help but want to rip all the heads off the idiots treating her family like criminals when they were just trying to help.

At least she was able to make her dad laugh recounting tales of her classmates fawning over the Avengers from time to time, even some of her experiences watching Peter's recommended films.

As they pulled up to the giant parking space of the Stark Industries building in Manhattan, Tony said, "I'm glad there is no bad blood between you an Underoos after all. For whatever its worth, he did want to tell you who he really was for a long time, even I found myself almost blurting the secret"

Haha, nice way to save his own ass. 

But she wasn't mad at her dad about that anymore.

Things were good with Peter now after he'd explained himself. 

He'd shared his scary experience gaining abilities, an almost impossible sounding experience with an experimental spider at Mr. Osborn's company during a field trip. Peter had even gone into the trials and errors of figuring out what his skills were, how scary and lonely that had been.

Brooklyn couldn't blame him for wanting to keep it a secret after that, especially when he decided to use those skills for good despite the sacrifices that would come with that choice. 

It just made Peter all the more benevolent in her mind.

"He's my best friend, of course I'm not gonna bite his head off for this" Brooklyn argued, "Why are you concerned over our friendship?"

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