🕷(16) Lunch Group

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Brooklyn POV-

The rest of the fitness trial bore no challenge for Brook. 

Push ups, pull ups, jumping jacks, and even a few laps around the gym were executed perfectly with the highest scores (If this thing was even scored, Brook wasn't sure).

Her 'group' of classmates did fairly well all things considered. MJ hadn't set her book down once, yet managed to get a passing score in most challenges. 

Despite his heavier build, Ned completed everything but the rope as well, granted he complained about being hungry and exhausted the entire time, eager for lunch time.

As for Peter, he struggled, but got through the challenges as well, only failing that rope challenge from the beginning of class.

In the end, people were still staring at her funny, but the urge to kill them was far from her mind. She'd shown them who was better adept to survive, and maybe it was her Red Room experience that made her feel satisfied from her performance, but by the time she went back to the locker rooms with MJ, all seemed well with the world.

That happiness carried onto her next two classes, Calculus and Basic Engineering. She wasn't spoken to in either of those classes, nor did the teachers bother introducing the one student everyone knew.

She just listened to her lessons with little to no interest, taking note of her upcoming assignments, and was even provided with some 'catch up work' as well as offers for tutoring from both teacher or student.

Like she'd need that.

With only two classes left, it was finally time for lunch.

At Adelphi Academy High School, lunch could be eaten anywhere on campus, which probably made it her favorite time of the day. Brook had taken to eating hers in solitude at one of the gardens on the roof, with only plants and birds as companions. On rainy days, she'd go to the music room to play the grand piano in silence along with her meal.

When she'd asked her Engineering teacher for the designated areas to eat, he'd looked at her funny and said only the cafeteria was allowed. That meant being in a room full of people for an hour.

Zdorovo. Great.

Such news had slightly fluctuated her good mood, but not enough to risk getting in trouble so she could eat elsewhere. So she reluctantly made her way to the area most students were headed eagerly.

Brook had stood in line to get a salad and some questionable looking nuggets, which she opted to wash down with a carton apple juice most students in line seemed to favor. A few of them relented the serving spoons to her first, and some kid down the line had screamed her way that he'd pay for her meal if she sat with him.

Brooklyn ignored him, handed over the twenty Stark had given her, and once her change was in hand, she quickly moved away from the serving area and the students eagerly motioning for her to join them.

To her horror, the rest of the cafeteria was almost as big as the gym. It was filled with long tables scattered around the room, all of which belonged to one click or another. Everyone knew where to go, they had a place that was theirs.

For a few minutes Brook just stood there, trying to find an empty table to claim as hers, but there were hundreds of students in one room, no one spared a table.

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