🕷(43) Injuries and Mistakes

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Damian POV-

The sound of footsteps up the stairs only increased with each second, enough so that Damian was beginning to feel the need to get ready for a fight, hero or no hero.

Despite the common beliefs of everyone at his new school, or just Queens in general, Damian did not trust heroes. He was smart enough to look past the perfect image people held for them, able to see the flawed individual within a mask.

They made mistakes too. Just because one was here didn't mean they were saved, especially since this was likely one of those Avengers.

"How did you get here!? Is everyone following me around today!?" Stark asked, seemingly disinterested in the danger rushing towards them.

The man in tights replied in a robotic voice, "You notified SHIELD of this place, and that alerts all nearby agents to report to help. I happened to be close by so I got the alert"

The girl sighed dramatically, "You better not have told my dad a thing"

The hero shook his masked head, but suddenly his interest was caught on the door before them.

"Why are eight people running up the stairs shouting for death?" he asked, and Damian tried not to let his surprise show. Enhanced senses....maybe he should done more research on the Queens hero after all. 

It seemed that this city was home to many enhanced individuals, more than he was comfortable with.

Stark shoot her head, "Not our problem anymore, we need to get out of here before they see us. Make yourself useful Spidy, get us out then I'll kill you"

Damian wanted to argue that there was no way he would follow her around with Spider-man, but a meek voice stopped the assassin's complaints right in is throat.

"I can help" said a voice behind a ventilation vent, one Damian recognized, but it was slightly deeper than usual.

Jon came out from behind the vent, with a large bed sheet atop his form, making him look like a child dressing up for halloween. Damian fought the urge to knock his own head against something as he beheld his friend levitate off the ground, extending a hand towards Damian.

"A ghost!" Spider-man shouted, only to earn a slap from the girl beside him who was trying to look past the last minute disguise. Damian guessed he should at least be glad Jon thought to conceal his identity in the first place, even if it was like this.

"He's not a ghost, he's my ride out of here. You guys go your own way, our temporary alliance is over" Damian said, clutching his hand with Jon's, slowly being raised off the ground. 

When the Wayne turned around to see Brooklyn's confused expression, he sighed, schooling a facade of indifference as he yelled down.

"Do us all a favor and don't get caught" he said, watching as the girl hesitantly made her way to Spider-man's arms. She slightly cringed as the hero picked her up bridal style, careful to keep his gloved fingers from the exposed skin of her short dress.

Seeing Stark in the arms of the masked man, it made him feel....uncomfortable, maybe even slightly disgusted. Likely out of concern for the poor hero forced to spend close proximity with her. Spider-man was likely getting enveloped in her daisy perfume, and insufferable attitude.

The girl clutched tightly to Spider-man's neck, especially when he shot out a web to a distant building and stood at the edge of the building.

"Wouldn't dream of it, Wayne" Stark said over her shoulder, "You should get back home and forget this ever happened though, unless you want to deal with SHIELD?"

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