🕷(5) Privet Sestra

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Brooklyn POV-

The machine, apparently named 'FRIDAY' of all things, left them alone with a polite farewell. The only noise out in the small welcoming area was quiet sound of casual piano music playing.

Unlike the Red Room, the light above Brook did not flicker, they weren't even that bright yellow that hurt her eyes when she stared at them for too long. These were small circular holes on the ceiling that shone simple white light. 

It helped ease her nerves a bit. Knowing this place had yet to resemble her childhood home was a small relief.

Once they made it to the sliding doors at the end of the blue carpeted entryway, Brook was greeted with a large space out of an Ikea magazine. Probably consisting of the most expensive things such a store had to offer.

Large plush couches, flat screen TVs, art that seemed to belong in a museum. All of it the highest quality of which Brook had never been exposed to. 

Even so, the space was deserted, only the sounds of the music playing across the space served as a way to chase away the quiet from the people around her. Not that she minded, as she beheld every aspect of this room, Brooklyn wasn't sure that she'd be able to answer anything.

As soon as they'd walked in, the room hit her with a smell like aerosol freshener, it scent probably named 'dollar bills with a hint of vanilla'. It was ridiculous how even the air managed to smell rich!

Brooklyn also noted the large red curtains drawn on the windows, likely obscuring the view  of the front of the building. The heigh of them was impressive, but likely bulletproof unlike the ones back in her flat. There would be no escape that way. 

At least the large chandeliers above them made the space just as bright as the hall had been, she'd be able to see all threats coming her way with ease. 

From this large room, Brook soon noticed she couldn't hear a peep of the commotion across the Avengers building. Meaning this floor was also soundproof then. Also not a good sign.

Beside her, Stark carelessly threw his shades on a side table and took off his sneakers, leaving them next to one of the black couches for someone to trip on later. The Spider-man was a lot more careful in settling down. From a nearby closet, he took out a simple blue hoodie and placed it over his suit, clearly intent on keeping his secret identity from her. Not like it mattered anyways, as if she'd want to see his traitorous face.

It wasn't long after that Stark's friend mentioned he had work to do. When no position cameras way, Happy set off with a warning look towards Brook before heading back out to the hallway they'd just come from. 

She didn't even have time to try and swipe his stupid gun.

Stark didn't seem to notice Brook's earlier motives when waved her over with a smile, ushering her deeper into the room where frosted double doors lay. On their other side, there seemed to be quite a bit of noise, both from talking and the unmistakable sound of dishes moving around.

So Stark wasn't taking her to an interrogation room? Were the Avengers not going to take turns beating the crap of the assassin? Brooklyn though FRIDAY's words about a dining room had been a secret code for something else.

Stark stopped before the door, eyeing it with slight reluctance as he placed a hand on her arm, which she shook off again for the second time that day. He eyed her with a questioning look before rolling his eyes. 

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