Those in the Middle

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It was entirely joyous for the friends to sit amongst one another, the first time they were able to since last February. They were still astonished with the surprise of Frida's arrival. It was never even in their imagination that she would suddenly show up.

"You hadn't even called!" Agnetha exclaimed.

"Where is the joy in that?" she answered. "Besides, I know you both. You have enough on your minds without me. It's nothing."

"Doesn't mean anything... but you're here and I'm so glad." Agnetha hadn't moved her attention from Frida as she sat with her.

"When did you arrive?" Björn asked.

"Two days ago. I thought I'd see Hans and the kids and then come see you two. I have time on my hands now. I'm staying until your wedding because who knows when I will return again and I figured there's a lot to do while I am here."

"Did you RSVP?" Björn wondered. "I don't remember seeing your name." She turned to Henry in question.

"I thought we did," she said.

"You said you'd do it," he told her. She smiled and turned to see Björn and Agnetha.

"Well, I am here now," she laughed. "I already have my outfit planned so that's a definite yes, I am coming. Two for me."

"We have Hans RSVP'd already, too," Björn laughed.

"Wonderful," she giggled. "My own son beat me."

The group who sat in the living room amongst by jealous dogs had caught up for a short hour over coffee and both were enthusiastic about works and their lives. Summer was coming to an end and it was the perfect chance to all see one another again.

Agnetha shared with Frida news about her dress and the relief was easily seen on her face as they talked. She described what she had in mind and then the list had become endless for what they were planning. By the time they stood at the door wishing farewell, Agnetha pulled back from Frida's embrace to add on another thing.

"Frida, I'm glad you're here. Just sitting with me is enough. You don't have to do anything."

"Darling, it will work out easy in time. There was no party ever planned that was not stressful, but it's just important we keep the spirit alive and by the time the wedding comes, it will be so great you'll forget everything you stressed about." Agnetha hugged her again. "Don't overthink, you'll hear from me this week."

As the week indeed moved forward, Agnetha and Björn sought their own focuses in their wedding planning process. Björn had made confirmations with a few different vendors that were still needed. They had seen florists and decided together on the colors and the design. They chose seating set-ups that best suited their home and the ceremony they had in mind. They spent time in the office both sorting through which payments to make in advance and their checklist was slowly becoming smaller. Agnetha had made orders to come in with the girls earlier in the week and she was ecstatic to see that they were arriving so quickly. She gave a small gasp as she received the email on her phone which confirmed it. She had not even set her phone down for two seconds before another chime had come in for her from a conversation that rolled on throughout the day.

Glad you're finishing a lot this week. I guess this is the sign for you to relax. Girl's night will help👏🏼

Woo-hoo! Do you need help with anything?

We'll start the weekend with our legs up. Wine in hand always helps too 😉

Agnetha smirked at her phone to herself.

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